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Christian WERY
19 articles

Spitfire Mk IXc early 1/48

September 28, 2015 · in Aviation · · 29 · 9.6K

In 1942, RAF loss rates remained unacceptably high. due to the performing german Focke-Wulf 190A. The only British fighter aircraft deemed suitable to oppose them were the Mk. VII and VIII powered by the Merlin 61 engine. But these were some time away of being ready for series production. There was another way of getting a powerful fighter quickly : by mating the Merlin 61, with its two-stage supercharger, with the fuselage of the Spitfire Mk.Vc. Flight trials were succesful and the order for series production of this MkIX was issued almost immediately since june 1942. With top speed of 409 mph and climbing at 4,000 feet per minute up to 43,000 feet, the RAF finally had a fighter aircraft capable of opposing the Fw 190 A.

I've buit here the fighter flown by S/Ldr. Stanislav Skalski, Polish Combat Team, Northern Africa, in spring 1943. This aircraft was one of ten Spitfires flown by « Shalski Circus Team » pilots in the north African sky. The famous ace Shalski with eighteen kills to his credit, acted as Squadron Leader for the Team.

This kit is the Profitpack of early Spitfire mkIXc. In addition, i've got Big Sin (Brassin) advanced set (resin + photo-etched parts) with Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, radio compartment, gun bays and flaps. A lot of work, especially with radio compartment which caused some difficulties at fuselage assembly. Unfortunetaly, it s nearly invisible behind the battery. Another tip was not to fix fuselage's both plastic low pieces prior to adding engine firewall. Furthermore, about exhaust stacks, it will help if you leave them off until after adding the cowling bearers.
The rest is a matter of care and attention, and especially organization of the work to make a success of this wonderful model.

I took some liberties towards classic desert camouflage scheme to simulate the wear patterns of the desert. In fact, right colours (according to Eduard notes) were Gunze H71 (middle stone) and 72 (dark earth). For intrados mediterranean RAF azur blue, i used a mix of Revell blue, white and flat grey to match FS 35231. To broke uniformity i airbrushedused some light touches of cleared up dark earth/middelstone and an uneven thin veil of warmed Humbrol 63 all over the camouflage.

I must say Spitfire (C wing) is ma prefered WW2 fighter and this very complete kit fulfills me.

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