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Brian Scott
80 articles

1/48 Tamiya Do335B-2 Heavy

October 24, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 11 · 1.8K

Well folks another shelf of doom kit finished. This one of of the 335 captured by the French by the end of the war. Painted with tamiya paints. Weathered with Mig and AK washes.

Cheers Brian

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3  Awesome

11 responses

  1. Super nice job on all three, Brian (this one and the two subsequent posts - P51 & Corsair). BTW, what is that thing that looks like a brush on the gun barrel...first it shows up on one side, then the other. 🙁

  2. Brian, Good looking Do335, I like the French markings. I believe the things you and Craig are referring too at the end of the gun barrels are flash suppressors. The muzzle blast coming off those cannons would most likely really annoy a pilot, let alone completely mess up his vision in low light conditions.

  3. You've been busy, Brian, and it's always satisfying to finish something that's been on the "shelf of doom", what caused the delay on this one?

  4. I like colors of captured French.

    Nice build

  5. Make a heavy fighter even heavier. Hate to be on the receiving end of a fusillade from them wing cannon!
    The Smithsonian had one (VC +PH) sitting in the open(!) at Silver Hill for years. Came there from postwar testing at Pax River. I believe they gave it to Dornier for restoration, and it is still there. Not the cannon wing.

    • Hi! That is must be back in he 'States as I was recently in Berlin - Gatow and they said that (I was eager to see it but they had a Me 163 instead so far so good 🙂 ) Beautiful aircraft and model too!

  6. another nice one!

  7. Hello Brian
    Nice model of the last of the dinosaurs 😉
    I particularly like the weathering.

    Well done

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