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Focke Wulf 190 D13 Eduard 1/48. Maj. Franz Gotz

October 14, 2015 · in Aviation · · 15 · 3.1K

I just wanted to share with you my last built...

The well know and in the same time so mysterious Fw.190d13 flown by Major Franz Gotz and captured at the end of the war.

I always wanted to have it in my collection because this camouflage is so sexy...and quite hard to reproduce 😉

As usual, feedbacks are welcome.
For my next contribution, it will be the kit I received as Random Award in april.

Stay tuned 😉


Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Beautifully finished and photographed, excellent build!

  2. Nice !
    interesting interpretation of camouflage and yellow 10.

  3. Emmanuel this is absolutely gorgeous! This must be a difficult scheme to reproduce even for experienced airbrush users. You did a very good job on this one! This must be amongst the top models for this month. Well done!

  4. wow...fine job

  5. Beautiful model, and I do love that scheme. Mind sharing the colors you used to acquire it? I've got a 72 scale in the stash that would look great in this scheme!

    • Hello Greg
      This is typically colours from Gunze in H4-- Range
      If I remembered, RLM 76 (H417), RLM75, RLM81 (H421) and RLM82 (H422)

  6. Lovely work Emmanuel, great paintwork, the camo looks a b***h to do.

  7. Gre4at work. You're right it's a "sexy scheme."

  8. Great work. You're right it's a "sexy scheme."

  9. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice work on that FW 190, the painting sets it apart, very exemplary.

  10. Excellent rendition of the Dora, well done.

  11. Emmanuel,
    Love everything about this. Outstanding build and a superb paint scheme

  12. Excellent build and paint job !

  13. Superb paintwork on this.

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