Revell B-17G "A Bit-o-lace" (1/72)
Finally finished third piece of this Revell gift set. I think now i will take a break from airplanes for a few years, and focus on ships, haha. I won't write much about this model because I really debated with myself should I put pictures of it, because it is very bad with a lot of mistakes. I studied some real photos of this plane, but at the end i decided not to follow color scheme and made it by my taste
Nice colour scheme mate! Not bad at all for you third ever attempt at a model!
Don't worry about any mistakes, it's the only way you learn. I've been making models now for just over 2 years and I've made some right messes which I've been very lucky to save!
If your not happy with a model in later years as your skills develop it can easily be turned into a weathering experiment or a crash diorama!
Thanks mate
Here's the deal Goran, it's a hobby and if it looks like a B-17 and you enjoyed doing it, then mission accomplished. Really liked the color scheme, and keep on building.
Nice, Goran!
Go for it Goran, we all make mistakes, but if we learn from them then that is something take to the next build.
Nice rendition.
I think it turned out pretty good...mistakes or not. And using a bit of "artistic license" doesn't hurt, either (I do it pretty much all the time). I like the fact that you modeled the elevators in the down position and also showed what I assume to be replacement parts in different colors. I'm looking forward to more of your work. Thanks for choosing to post it. I like it.
And I like the base, too.
Goran, you've captured what this particular aircraft looked like, at some part of its career. I've seen a color picture of this over the years, and it's a good choice to show replacement parts, like the rudder and left outer wing. There was a lot of wear and tear, and battle damage. This is a high mission ship, so not surprising. Good job all around, nothing here to be unhappy about. We all tend to be critical of our work.
I like the attitude somebody said, maybe here, that "I know there are mistakes here and I'm not telling you where" or something similar.
Nice clean build Goran. I am much in par with Tom Bebout , Simon Whitney and Craig Abrahamson. In my personal opinion, the important fact is that you enjoy your model, your time and that you are satisfied with the end results. You please no one, only yourself. You let others admire your work, that is where positive or negative critiques take place, hopefully in a respectable manner.
Feel good, you did well.
The only thing I see you didn't do on the color scheme was go for the "battered look" on that replacement left outer wing, which is hard to do for anyone. Whatever "mistakes" are there are like most modeler's mistakes - you're the only one who knows they're there. This is a really nice model, and I look forward to seeing Number 4.
Nice work! It's all about having fun with the hobby, not necessarily being "historically accurate." Great job, and it's always great to have unusual color schemes represented.
Nice like B-17
I'm not sure what mistakes you are referring to, but it looks like a nice clean build from here. Like the others said, as long you enjoyed it that's all that really matters.
Metal finishes are tricky! Looks great to me.