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Dan DeSilva
72 articles

1/48 Classic Airframes IAF TA-4H

January 12, 2022 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1.4K

Here is my second IAF - a TA-4H. The kit is quite good- with a few issues. The best part of them is the lack of "step" on the leading edge of the wing, for the slat. on the real plane there is no step down. I usually level the step on the Hasegawa kits with some filler after masking off the top of the wing. One of the more bothersome issues on the Classic Airframes TA-4 kit is the size and shape of the fairing at the rear of the canopy, but I mastered a corrected fairing and combined it with the decking behind, including an aperture for the fuselage air vent. Hasegawa TA-4J's have the vent, but they tell you to blank off the hole on the TA-4J instructions, which is wrong, however, they may have changed that on more recent boxings of their kit.

There are some unique nose and dorsal antennae fits on the IAF TA-4H, which you can see on the shots I provided. I liked the orange training areas in the scheme, and saw pictures of a three tank configuration, so went with it. I used CA kit tanks for the wings and a Hobbycraft centerline tank. The Sidewinders are from the Hasegawa AV-8B kit. Aires tailpipe, and Testors enamels used throughout.

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3  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Another nice Skyhawk! Lovely build.

  2. Looks great, Dan. I love those distinctive IAF camo colors. Fine airbrushing work. Great attention to authentic detailing.

    BTW, I fixed the "step" on the leading edge slat on the Hasegawa kit, so it is not a fatal flaw - as some call such issues (I even left it alone on my first A-4). I used some 5 thou evergreen card (the thinnest), slightly raised with strips of styrene underneath (except at the back). It looks OK at this stage but I am not done the painting process and hope it holds up to masking. It's potentially pretty fragile.

    • Hi Colin, thanks again. I saw what you did for your Argentine Scooter- a much more refined approach to what I do. I will be trying something similar for my 1/48 Hasegawa Blue Angels TA-4J.

  3. Another Skyhawk success, Dan.

  4. Outstanding work, Dan. The paint is excellent.

  5. Love the IAF Skyhawks. In the final stages of my own at the moment. Some great inspiration right here! looks amazing

    • Thanks very much for the kind words Neill! It was insane spraying up the TA-4H at the same time as the A-4N, but I was glad I finally got my IAF Skyhawks done!

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