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Michael Graff
1 article

Soviet Aerosan diorama

November 10, 2015 · in Diorama · · 10 · 3.2K

I got a commission from a military magazine to build a with three different Aerosans.

The deadline was short, I started the build last Tuesday and finished it yesterday with one day to spare... Phew!

The kits are from , and was very nice to assemble, but the photo etch parts were very tedious to do. 🙂

All in all a very fun project.

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4  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Very neat, very cold. Musta been noisy things tho.

  2. Noisy, fun, same thing!

  3. As Bill Mauldins Willie observed, "A moving foxhole attracts the eye!"

  4. Michael, nicely done, hope your client was happy. That does look Soviet, real different, though a clever solution given the weather and terrain they had to face.

  5. Great looking photos of this unusual subject. Any plans for figures? Stalingrad do an excellent range of tankers, etc. Anyway, very interesting presentation.

  6. I can only concur with the above observations. The customer had to be quite pleased I would say.

  7. Thanks!
    I will see if I can add a figure or two later.

  8. love that and the open one

  9. Not sure what the heck they are, but they look really cool and the modeling work is great - especially the diorama.

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