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Brian Scott
76 articles

1/48 Tamiya Do-335 Heavy

December 7, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 4 · 2.3K

Another one of those awesome Tamiya kits. Finished in markings of one captured by the French by the end of the war. Finished with Tamiya paints and weathered with Mig wash.

Cheers Brian

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

4 responses

  1. Another nice one, Brian...anything with the Tamiya brand on it almost HAS to be awesome. One of - if not THE - best model companies out there IMO.

  2. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Good workmanship there Brian, very good weathering. TAMIYA models always have been a very solid choice ... nice work.

  3. Your build descriptions are always very brief, Brian, but your models show that you've put in a lot of work to achieve such good results.

  4. Great work to break up the monochromatic scheme with shading and weathering! I still haven't decided if I like the shape of the 335. The one I built was the old Matchbox 2-canopy trainer version. It's definitely an interesting subject - I just kinda have a love/hate relationship with the look of it!

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