1:72 Heller Criquet
Heller's classic old kit, yes it has raised detail, yes the decals were nearly shot and yes it needed some engineering skills, but I loved every minuted of the build.
Heller's classic old kit, yes it has raised detail, yes the decals were nearly shot and yes it needed some engineering skills, but I loved every minuted of the build.
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With a bit of loving care many of the old Heller kits can be made into great models. And here in Sweden they even came with Swedish decals!
Regards Magnus
Building this airplane in any size and any kit is always a challenge. Yours in this small scale and old kit is beautifully done.
This is only real 1/72 kit of "storch" French chiquet .
Nice job Michelle, it looks really good. I built one of those way back- thought it was a great kit. I think I still have it somewhere...Heller really has produced some great kits.
Thanks guys, for a simple and old kit this one has peaked interest everywhere I've posted it.
Michelle: I suspect (other than the craftmanship- or craftwomanship-) it's the French markings, not them other folks.
What is the overall color? Armee de l'air colors are sometimes a mystery to me. Perhaps vert inconnu? Drab de olive bizarre? Species du paint shop?
More and more, I've gravitating to TLAR (that looks about right) versus being paralyzed with can-this-be-right?
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ahh well I use Olive Drab, however I think there is or was a French colour called Army Green which I think was a matt dark Olive Green however as the plane I modelled went from Europe to North Africa and then to Indochina and then back to North Africa, the colour was faded green of some sort
To me TLAR
Another nice little build...good stuff!
Another nice build on a small (even for 1/72) aircraft!