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Marc Barris
97 articles

1/32 Scale Westland Wessex from Fly Models

January 21, 2016 · in Aviation · · 8 · 3.8K

Hey Guys, I received this Kit for Christmas, It was one from Marc to Marc, and Marc knows exactly what I need for Christmas.
Started this early December and continued with the build till I had to leave for the Congo again for a few weeks.
This is the Westland Hu 3. Its a real big kit in scale, with lots of resin and PE. The resin is not too bad but is lacking a little detail, the instrumentation consoles were quite good, about the best out of all the resin you get.

I started off with the cockpit and then cut open a panel and scratch built a instrumentation compartment that was situated above the turbine engine, did a few test fits and sanding and got a really good fit.

I then started with the passenger compartment, the kit is supplied with paper canvas seats, this just would not work for me, so I took lead sheet, used the paper seats as a template and made the seats, added the PE buckles (which I thought were a little too big) and painted. I also scratch built the radio, intercom shelves and made a head set to hang from the ceiling.
I managed to join the fuselage halves before I had to pack again and go into deepest darkest Africa.
I have added a picture of our dog Baily, my building companion, as you all can see he was not impressed by the work I have done so far on the kit.

All the best

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6  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Those cockpit seat belts are some of the best renditions of such that I've is the rest of your detail work. Despite Billy's indifference, I, for one, AM impressed.

    • Thanks Craig, I used aftermarket buckles and lead strips to get the seat belts where they are, the kits buckles are just too big. By the way, who is Billy ?, I don't see any comment from him. Or am I just slow, Congo time. Thanks for the kind comment.

  2. It's taking shape nicely! You've got some great detail there.

  3. Hey there Greg, thanks for your comment.

  4. This going to look mighty impressive, Marc, which livery are you planning for it? I guess Bailey might wake up if a real Wessex flew overhead, they're noisy things.

    • Hi George,

      I am looking at doing a RAF Rescue machine, with a great big flag over the nose. Baily only wakes up when its time to go for a walk or food. I don't think he would wake up if a Tornado flew over the house. Thanks for the comment.

  5. Hi Marc. The Wessex is going to look great judging by what I have seen thus far. Attention to detail always makes a difference. Enjoy your time in the Congo!

    • Hi daar Morne, Ja nee, the Congo is not so fun this time of the year, it rains everyday here, I would rather be at home with my family, and building of course, the Wessex is a big kit, when I left I was busy scratch building hinges for the tail section to fold back, to fit in my show case, and then fold out when I take it out.
      As always thanks for your kind comments Morne.

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