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John Healy
165 articles

1/48 Polish Mig-21MF

January 2, 2016 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2.6K

This is the kit finished with Model Master and Humbrol enamels. The light gray is MM Voodoo Gray that I added a few drops of white to in order to simulate WARPAC air superiority gray that was seen on some Polish and East German Mig-21s. The kit is a decent, simple project that was light years ahead of it's competitors when released in the 1990s. It has since been surpassed by the Eduard series of Mig-21s. I only bought it for the paint scheme/decals. I use Eduard for all of my Mig fixes these days. The fuselage on this model is slightly overscale while the wings are true 1/48. This becomes apparent when you park it next to an Eduard Mig. The spine/fin assembly is also a bit schizophrenic, exhibiting features of both MF and bis models. When it's finished, it still looks like a nice . I added a True Details KM-1 seat and scratchbuilt cockpit side panels that I added spare Eduard instrument decals to. Ultimately, I decided to close it up to keep it sleek and show off the swordfish markings. These were kit decals that laid down flawlessly with some Future used to set them. This was the last one for 2015, which I actually finished in November. I've been plugging away at a Revell 1/32 Spitfire II for the last six weeks and hope to have it posted soon.

Happy New Year and keep up the great modeling!

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12 responses

  1. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice rendition of a FISHBED, simple yet it kind of stick out in a crowd, nice work.

  2. Turned out very nice, John...a unique rendition of the -21. Good work, sir.

  3. I really like this colour scheme, John, very well finished.

  4. Very interesting markings. Nice model.

  5. I like the MiG-21 - it's a great palette for such a variety of schemes as it was flown by so many air forces (kinda like the Phantom). This one is definitely unique! Nice job on it.

  6. A very nice MiG, John ! Academys effort is now in the second line but i still like these simple good kits.
    Love the markings with this "fuselage art", beautiful work 🙂

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