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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

3ft P-51

February 4, 2016 · in Aviation · · 19 · 1.8K

1:72 Hasagawa Mk. III. Did this kit to try out low tech techniques. All bush painted. The outside camo was done by painting on multiple coats of thinned acrylics with two wide flat brushes. No extra detailing, PE or resin supplements. OOB Cockpit. Was a good cure for not finishing something up for a while. Also a good way to add a long awaited subject to your collection. Not a show stopper but it looks great from 3 feet away. Had a great time trying something new.

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7  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. Great job with that low tech technique my friend!

  2. Looks like a pretty good paint from way back here, too. LOL
    And remember, most all those camo jobs WERE "brush painted" back then. Am I to understand the shark mouth is also hand-painted?

    • Thanks Craig. The shark's mouth was a decal. It's an old kit and the decals were brittle and others fell apart with setting solution. Was stressed about getting mouth on in one piece. Turned out OK thankfully..

  3. Nice work Dennis, a change is as good as a rest, brush painting acrylics is not always the easiest !

  4. Looks fine from 1 foot. I find brushing acrylics comes out pretty good, especially the Vallejo line when thinned right.

  5. Wow looks really good for brush painting. Bet it brought back lots of memories.

  6. Nice looking Mustang! All mine are brush painted, either with Vallejo Model Color paints or Testors MM enamels. You did a great job on this one!

  7. I'm hearing good things about Vallejo, do folks agree? Any other nominations/recommendations for brush painting?

  8. Dennis, lovely Mustang, and in British markings, and with a sharkmouth.
    I've often thought that sharkmouthed or other "animate" aircraft would make an impressive theme collection. WW I thru the present, AIRCAM had a two volume set of subjects.

  9. I tried going three feet (90 cm for our metric friends) away from my screen, and, you're right, it's looks great! It also looks just as good from a normal viewing distance, great work.

  10. Dennis,
    Looks real good and I would not have guessed it was brush painted. I looked back at your posts and your work is excellent. My compliments on each one. I liked your goal of seven for the year. Makes me feel I should get off my ... Duff and try the same. Except I will try to finish a lot of what I have going and what I have started.

  11. Like nice paint and build.

  12. Yes great looking build,
    I did a super job now if only mine turns out that nice when i get to it

  13. Yes great looking build,
    You (not i) did a super job now if only mine turns out that nice when i get to it

  14. Thanks for the heads up

  15. Good work! Yes I remember my brush painting days! I think it's quite acceptable on a 1/72nd, in that scale, spray feathering between two colours is a pretty well defined line in any case!

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