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1/48 Monogram B-26 Marauder "Ann"

May 1, 2016 · in Aviation · · 15 · 6K

This is 1/48 Monogram B-26 Marauder finished with the markings of 42-107541 “Ann” from 444th BS, 320th BG.
Model modified by;
Eduard instrument panel
Loon models engine cowlings
Quickboost Engines
True details wheels
And Resicast lens for landing lights.

Painting was done with Gunze acrylics.
Decals are from Bombshell set.
You can see detailed construction story from WIP section bu using the following link.

Happy modelling

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

29 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Fantastic build sir, you got that "sun faded" look spot on.
    Well done mate.

  2. Stunning build and photography as usual, sir...very nice.

  3. A very nice looking Widow maker. Very nice weathering.

  4. A masterpiece build of a old kit….well done sir.

  5. I always thought this group looked really cool with those big tail numbers, and you've done a very nice job on this this. nice work Tolga !

  6. Always nice to see that big 1st Lt. killer. I have an affinity for the 26.

  7. I say it every time I see one of of these great Monogram kits built, they still hold up with the best of them! You did a great job on a difficult kit, the B-26 is a bit of a challenge as I recall, but you nailed it!

  8. Outstanding build with excellent weathering and detail work...very nicely done.

  9. Convincing build of a classic kit, the finish is especially worthy of praise.

  10. Tolga,

    Loving this a/c as I do, having built this Monogram kit, and following your WIP, I can only add to what has already been said that this is a great build. However, I must go further and give you my whole hearted praise on the job you did with this. Monogram did a marvelous contribution when they brought out this kit but it is not the easiest kit to build. They did a great job with it and replicated a very historic a/c but it shows it's age. One could only wish that Tamiya or Hasagawa would do it in 1/48. Editorial aside, this is a definite compliment to your skills.

  11. Thank you for your comments

  12. Have to repeat Frank's comments: you've done it again! Having built this kit waaay back I can appreciate the hard work (and the result too). Did you do a complete re-scribe?

  13. Fantastic work Tolga! That really inspires this old guy to get started on a couple of my WWII Twins. Beautiful indeed.

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