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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

Eduard 1/48th Spitfire Mk.IXc

June 30, 2016 · in Aviation · · 19 · 1.9K

This is the January Random Award Prize from iModeler. Thanks Martin! It is also my answer to the Airfix 1/48 Hawker Hurricane shot my friend Scott sent my way in April (

This is a great kit with great molding and lots of fine subtle details. Even without Eduard's Profitpack PE and masks, it builds up into an awesome aircraft. It required an absolute minimal amount of filling and sanding. Even the decal instrument panel turned out fantastic with some setting solution. I painted it with AK Interactive acrylics from their RAF CAMOUFLAGES set. The weathering was applied with MIG pigment powders and oil paints.

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9  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. Nicely done, Dennis...great pics.

  2. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Very nice SPITFIRE Dennis. The cockpit area looks great, your touch too it elevates it much more ... good work, and the pictures are just fine. Thanks for sharing this view of the model.

  3. Great looking Spitfire. Nothing beats a Spit in desert camo. Well done!

  4. A very handsome build indeed. I still have to build one of the Eduard spits. Wnder how did you like the AK paints?

    • AK paints are great, for brushing or air brushing. I decided to switch from enamel to acrylics a while back. AK are definitely superior to Humbrol acrylics and somewhat better than Vallejo. AK has a more limited range of colors but has many weathering products. Their metallic colors-paint and paste-are outstanding.
      BTW: Keep up the great work on the site.

  5. Really nice Dennis. I always enjoy a nice Spit !

  6. Very nice Dennis, second Morne's comment about desert camo Spits. They just nice.

  7. Always good to see a prize built up, especially when it's as nice as this one.

  8. Profile Photo
    P.k said on July 1, 2016

    Nicely done & Build .

  9. Nice, love it!

  10. I like the subtlety of the "dings," very realistic. It's pretty hard not to really love the Eduard Spitfires. Really excellent result here.

  11. Beautiful Spit - and I've got a question about the AK paints also.

    I brush paint (don't own an airbrush), and like to use the Vallejo acrylics (not the Model Air, but the standard line). I've hear the Model Air line would be too thin to really brush paint effectively. You mention that AK are "better than Vallejo," but is that just via airbrush use? Would you recommend trying them with brush?

    • Greg,
      I've only used one Model Air color, OD Green, and only used it with a brush (haven't had reason to air brush it). Vallejo paints seem to separate more quickly. I think the AK paints have slightly better consistency and are more likely to cover in 'one coat'. But like I said, the differences are marginal.

      • Another paint question: How durable are the AK paints? I'm a stubborn enamel/lacquer user because every acrylic I've ever used clogs airbrushes well, but doesn't stick to plastic well.

        • John,
          They seem pretty durable. These stood up well to masking tape to apply the camouflage and handling to apply weathering. I used their thinner as well as my own brew of alcohol thinner and didn't have any clogging. I had clogging issues using Poly S and Testors acrylics way back when and gave up on them. This new generation of paints behaves much much better.

  12. Another great job Dennis!

  13. Nice work Dennis. The Eduard Spitfire VIII, IX, XVI series is probably my favorite all around family of kits.

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