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Ramon R. Lomeli
51 articles

AH.7 Lynx, Afghanistan 2006

July 12, 2016 · in Aviation · · 35 · 2.7K

Long time no speak, iModeler! Here is a gifted to me by my wife's grandmother Mary, who we all called Nan. She was a very special lady, veteran of ww2 WAAF, and tough as nails. I only wish she got to see this sooner...

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 1 

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

35 responses

  1. Impressive job Ramon, specially like the way you photographed it.

  2. Profile Photo
    P.k said on July 12, 2016

    Nice build!

  3. Great build, Ramon, and those photographs definitely show it off to its best.

    • Cheers George! I have been trying to learn more about proper photography, and there is still a lot more that I need to know but I am having fun with it just the same!

  4. Lovely build Ramon, great pics.
    Well done mate.

  5. I must agree with the masses, sir...beautifully finished and photographed.

  6. Really nice. Great photos, looks like the real thing.

  7. Good job Ramon. We don't see rotary wing aircraft that often here. Don't know why as they offer great detailing opportunities.

    • Thanks Rob! I hope to populate this forum with more helicopters. Granted I do have a personal connection, but helicopter models have something for everyone - its an aircraft model where you spend time on the interior like a car model and weather it like armor. You are right, lots of opportunity for detailing!

  8. Really nice touch on the weathering! Great job!

  9. This is very impressive. Well done.

  10. Very Nice work Ramon. I also have to say "nice work on the pictures". looks very authentic.

  11. Very impressive! Thanks for posting this one!

  12. Great build, Ramon. Looks real.

  13. Awesome mate, cool subject and fantastic photography!

  14. Great job, and the pictures really make it look real!

  15. Great built ! Impressive.

  16. Master Modeler.
    All the detail on this Lynx are on the right place.

  17. Ramon,
    Very nice work. I've had that kit on my "to do" pile for a long time, and you've motivated me to start it.



    • Thanks Scott! It is a fun kit, although the fit tolerances around the cockpit area is pretty tight. Especially if you use the Eduard photo etch set. Still, I thought it was a pretty enjoyable kit. In fact, I have built two of them! I cant wait to see your build - be sure to post pics!

  18. A beauty matey of a thinking man's Spitfire. The WG13 was never an easy helicopter and she had her moments, but they were loved by their pilots for all the odd habits.

    You have captured them well and the photography is a great addition.

    It's such a shame that Airfix have to re released this one. I have on waiting but I have several schemes in mind (2 pre BERPs) and I never understood why they never added some op Granby markings and a set of straight blades...possibly their finest hour😳. Ah well. There are currently 2 Mk7s on the display circuit, enjoy them while it lasts.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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