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Paul Mahoney
21 articles

1/72nd Mosquito diorama

August 14, 2016 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.7K

It's been quite a while since I posted anything on here, but I have attempted to do some modeling!

this is 's . I modified the landing gear to the raised position (closed the doors, blended them in and rescribed the hinge lines), put in some crew from the spares box, and repositioned all the flying surfaces . The spinning props were made by cutting discs of thin, clear acetate. I sliced the hubs apart at the propeller line, then sandwiched the discs within the two halves of the hubs. The discs were gently spun on a sanding stick to get the 'motion' effect, and then black pastel dust was brushed on to simulate the propeller blade shadows. Master gun barrels and stretched sprue antenna finished it off.

The base is made from foam insulation board, covered in hydrocal (light plaster). Trees are from a random, no-name bag found at a train store. The deer are also from the train store, re-posed using putty and then repainted. The water is a combination of 'still water' from woodland scenics, with acrylic heavy medium (gloss) on top, tinted with some blues and greens. the rough water and spray is a combination of white paint mixed in with the heavy medium, and some bits of cotton buds for the spray.

In a few of the photos, i attempted to crop out the acrylic rod holding up the aircraft to make a little better photo!

thanks for having a look

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Outstanding, Paul. I like it a lot

  2. Very imaginative and well done, Paul...I like it as well.

  3. Excellent work on this dio, congrats Paul!

  4. Very creative! What a way to go deer hunting ha ha.

  5. Looks great! Fun way to display, and creative way to get prop in-flight look!

  6. Very cool! I love what you did with this. Creative and very realistic looking!

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