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Scott Nelson
130 articles

My Shiny Bearcat/Model Number Eight for the Year

September 29, 2016 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.1K

This is the . Apparently it is also the Bearcat. I've read reviews that say the cowl is misshapen and the wheel well detail may be spurious among other issues. However, I found the kit to look fine to me (though I'm no Bearcat expert). The fit of the kit is very good. I only needed a tiny bit of Mr. Surfacer along the fuselage seam and wing roots. The directions were not very clear in some places so if you try one of these, look them over very carefully.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Looks fine to me as well, Scott...I like it ("accurate" or not).

  2. Looks like a Bearcat to me. A fine job. What unit are markings of?

  3. What Bob and Craig said. It do look like a Bearcat! 'Nuff said! I think the tailcode is the old Boxer air group.

  4. As they say if it looks like a duck walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck. Who cares if it ain't totally accurate. Personally I'm a bit sick of people winging on. We modellers have never had it so good. Just build them and enjoy them. Looks like a bearcat to me. Nice one.

  5. Very nice and clean build!

  6. Beautiful Bearcat, Scott!

  7. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Shiny or not ... that there is one good looking Bearcat Scott.
    Nice clean build.

  8. Simply beautiful...very nicely done.

  9. Nice job. I like that kit. It's more detailed then the old Hawk kit, and more accurate then the new Hobbyboss model. The HB has a ridiculously thick wing.

  10. Another excellent project Scott. Despite the supposed flaws it looks terrific.

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