The SMER Database at iModeler

15 articles
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SMER model kits

Ansaldo SVA 5

The Ansaldo SVA (named for Savoia-Verduzio-Ansaldo) was a family of Italian reconnaissance biplane aircraft of World War I and the decade after. Originally conceived as a fighter, the SVA was found inadequate for that role. Its impressive [...]

SMER 1/50 Reggiane Re.2000 Falco, Italian Air Force 100 GB

The Re.2000 was intentionally designed to compete for orders under “Programma Erre”, a comprehensive effort launched in 1938 targeting towards the enactment of several improvements throughout the Regia Aeronautica. Despite having very [...]

SMER 1/72 P-40L Warhawk, Operation Torch

The kit had some decent recessed details, so I didn’t do much additional engraving or riveting. I did have to make a few corrections to change from a K to an L. I deleted the guns and the pitot and replaced with hollow aluminum rod. [...]

P-36 Hawk, First Massive Scratch Build

Well then... some years ago I didn´t know about brands and qualities... and this kit fell in to my lap, once open I realized the totally lack of details, so I tough.. can I do Something about it? and started to add plastic bits, pieces [...]

SMER (Heller) 1/72 Hurricane Mk IIc

This kit sat in my bagged kits box and every time I picked it up I thought to myself that I must build it. Well I did. The kit is the Heller Hurricane issued by SMER and includes a small photo-etch (PE) fret. Every time I tried to use [...]

Mig 17F Angola (1;48 Smer/ Airfix)

Gents and Ladies, Here is an older kit I did a while back its the 1:48 Smer/ Airifix kit of the Mig 17F. I used Tom Coopers African Migs as reference for the background info and photos. I drew up the decals for bort numbers and printed [...]

Smer 1/72 P-40k

This is SMER's P-40K, I started this build while still working on my first build last year (Revell P-40E) hoping to have a quick build but that did not happen. This kit fought me a bit but this was probably more me than the kit. The wing [...]

Piper L-4 Cub / GrasshopperSměr 1/48

I bring you a recently completed model that took neither much time, nor much effort, but which has produced a cool little airplane. To begin, I bought this kit after seeing one in person at an airshow last month. The airshow (or fly-in) [...]

Mi-2, The Suspicious Ambulance Helicopter (Smer 1/48)

Quite normal-looking old Russian Mi-2 helicopter is landing to the edge of the field. Only a bit bad red cross painting might get some more attention. Pilot is leaving the place in a black van. If you’re brave enough you can take a look [...]

Supermarine Spitfire Mk 5c, A58-248, 85 Sqn RAAF Pearce WA 1944.

1/72 Smer, my first Spitfire, I corrected the under wing shape and modified a few other things, finished in MM enamels with Aussie decals, flown by Sqn Ldr Ken "Skeeter" James in defence of Pearth WA.