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Louis Gardner
177 articles

Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1D Vought Corsair

October 29, 2016 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.9K

Here is my , built as it served with VF-84 on board the US Aircraft Carrier "Bunker Hill".

You just can't have enough of them !

(At least I can't)

This one was built using the kit parts to fold up the wings. This helps me with storage just as it did on the original.

I strayed from the usual build on this one. I cut away the elevators from the stabilizers, and cut the rudder from the fin.
I had to add a little filler to clean up the gaps between the control surfaces that I caused.

Then I repositioned them just enough to catch your attention if you look closely.

I have always liked the way the Corsairs looked when the forward portion of the cowling was painted yellow for the raids on Tokyo.

This plane was built using the kit supplied decals and is finished using Model Master enamels.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

22 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Great-looking Corsair, Louis!

  2. Tamiya Corsairs are sweet...! Yours is certainly no exception. Nice!

  3. Thanks my friend !

  4. Another great build, I can see why you like the F-4U, it always looks lean and mean.

  5. Very well done Louis...Just have to love those bentwing birds.

  6. All three are fine builds Louis.

  7. Very nice work on this. It's hard to go wrong with the Tamiya Corsair.

  8. Now that is one sweet looking Bent Wing Bird . Love the overall finish . You can never build enough Tamiya Corsair 🙂

    Cheers Brian

  9. Another nice build. Very clean-looking.

  10. I just love to see Cosairs well done Great job


  11. Top stuff

  12. Thanks again everyone for the compliments.

  13. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Louis ... I second the words of Thomas, and this one is a joy to see.
    Well done, clean and sharp ... well done.

  14. Another great build

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