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Carl Christensen
50 articles

Bandai 1/72 X-Wing

December 25, 2016 · in Sci-fi · · 5 · 3K

This is the first kit I have ever made, and first kit in maybe 20 years.

I ordered the Bandai kit off eBay and wasn't really expecting much. Was I wrong! - what a great little kit, heaps of really good detail and it fitted together with ease. I didn't actually realise it was marketed as a 'snap fit' kit until i was almost finished.

I didn't use the markings with the kit, I just played and made my own (Its Sci-Fi - I can do that).

The decals with the kit are excellent - note the markings on the droid and on the pilots helmet are decals not my paintwork. They were fiddly to do, but looked good when done.

I wanted to make it into a small diorama so took a drive to my dads place and raided his spare box of 1/72 figures and accessories as I don't have one of my own for that scale. I am happy with the result as I threw it together over just a couple of days I had free at home while kids were at school.

I actually then felt 'obligated' to get the 1/72 Tie-Fighter, so back to eBay, and now that's on its way too. Hopefully it arrives while the boss is at work so I don't have to explain ANOTHER eBay package to her...

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5  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Nicely finished, Carl...don't see all that many Sci-Fi offerings. I like it.

  2. It comes down to the maintenance guys, in any era. Great job.

    • Haha Robert, that sounds like the voice of experience. A couple of my armorer mates from when I was in the Airforce use to refer to every trade (including Pilots) as 'Armorer support trades'.

  3. Another nice model Carl!

  4. This looks great… I’ve seen these kits and wondered how good they were. I wish they were 1/48 (or so).

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