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George Henderson
72 articles


December 12, 2016 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.5K

Not a night fighter this time but fits right in with my oddball schemes. This aircraft, along with it's squadron mates sported some pretty weird paint schemes while attending the 1939 Cleveland National Air Races. Trying to interpret the colours was a nightmare as I found almost as many combinations as there were stripes. This is my take on it, right or wrong as these were official colours at the time.

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16 responses

  1. Very cool ! You hardly ever see a P-36 much less one in this color scheme. I saw an illustration of one and I believe several photos in a book called "Air Force Colors ". I don't remember which volume it was in but the whole series of 3 books are my "go to set" for occasional inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Never seen one in that scheme (actually, like Louis said, don't see too many at all)...anyway, I like it.

  3. Nice job George. That paint scheme is depicted in "American Fighters Over Europe" by Fine Scale Modeler books. They conclude the colors were Black, Neutral Gray,Sea Green, White, Rust Brown and Sand. Wheel hubs were either white or unpainted. I'd say you pretty well nailed it.

  4. Not an airplane guy but that looks really good! I like the odd man out stuff as well.

  5. Great work George, I never knew these existed - till now!

  6. Thanks all. @Tom Bebout During my research I found many profiles that showed 4 colours or 5 colours and the combinations and colours varied. I took my pattern from the Superscale sheet 48-50 (I also did the Vichy French version), but I questioned the call for Lavender and Orange though they were both on stock for the Air Corp

    • George, Dana Bells 3 volume set on Air Force Colors, Volume 1 from Squadron Signal, softcover. .

      Showed up at the National Air Races at Cleveland, 1939.

      Orange used to be supposed to be one of the colors, I think it's tan, instead. These were water soluble colors, and proved to be a real problem getting them off, afterwards.

      The P-36 in the Air Force Museum at Wright-Pat is in one of these schemes.

      The problem with them is that though you can get sideviews, overall views are not so easy.

      I was wondering where you got the pattern for this one, now I see. Good old Microscale!

      First rate job on her, and great so see one done.

      • Thanks Bernard for finding the information on the book. I couldn't remember which volume these photos were in. With your help I opened my book and found what I was talking about in my first post.

        There are several photos on page #66 and a color illustration on page #68. The Volume 1 book also shows a few photos with a similar scheme with overhead views on page #67. These pictures were taken at the Bolling Field Exhibition in January of 1940.

        As Bernard and I mentioned this is a set of 3 books and they contain a wealth of information. If you can get your hands on a set of these books I highly recommend them.

        Once again thanks.

  7. A blast from the past. I remember a seeing this scheme in an old Air Classic magazine, Nicely done !

  8. Very unusual scheme. Nicely researched!

  9. Interestingly enough, the P-36C that was restored 2 years ago by Fighter Rebuilders, which is the last production P-36C, was in this squadron and was one of those painted thus. When they started restoring it, they found images still on the metal frame of the camouflage colors, that was how hard it was to get rid of those 'water soluble" paints.

    Nice work on this.

  10. Wow - very nice and unusual subject an scheme! As others have said, I think you pulled of a very credible rendition.

  11. Neat model, interesting history. Thanks! 🙂

  12. Thank you very much

  13. Great work & a VERY interesting paint scheme! Like others have said, I've never seen these examples.

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