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George Henderson
70 articles

Monogram 1/48 P-39

December 21, 2016 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.3K

Continuing with the oddball schemes. A P-39Q Zebra Training aircraft, used to train air-gunners. This was the forerunner to the P-63 Pinball aircraft

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16 responses

  1. I guess the idea was to be seen, huh...? Oddball scheme indeed. I like the build, but not so much that "zebra stripe" pattern (just a matter of taste is all). 🙂

    • Thanks Craig. If you don't like the stripes on this one you would have really hated my second choice(to be done at later time, just looking for more info), vertical alternating stripes from prop to rudder.

  2. I like it ! I've never seen another one painted like this one... Outstanding Sir !

  3. Superb build with an excellent masking job !

  4. Very neatly done, I'm not sure about training air gunners, more about training apprentice paintshop guys.

  5. George I think you've got the oddball scheme down. Really well done and nice masking job to boot.. Where do you find these schemes?

    • Much obliged Tom. I have 7 day weekends so I spend waaaaay too much time looking on line. I kind of use what I call a back-door type of search. I would never think of typing "black spitfire" or "striped P-39" into the Google Search. My key words are Weird, Odd, Peculiar etc typed into Google Image and scroll through thousands of images, sometimes it takes a few months to find what I want When I'm in camp, I bring one of my laptops that has over 3200 PDF aviation books

  6. Wow - that almost hurts the retinas to look at! Very unusual, and nice job pulling it off.

  7. George, great choice of scheme. Fighter pilots tended to "jump" formations and individual aircraft in "their" area. That's what they do. Having assigned units, with easily recognizable markings works for both sides. Practice, keep you on your toes. Plus, imagine being allowed to go around and do what comes naturally, without hoping they didn't get your number.
    Good to see one done, and done well! Keep up the good work!

  8. Very unusual, nicely done.

  9. That monogram kit certainly still holds up 48 years later. *It's only "fault" is the wing istoo tapered in head-on profile, so the wingtups don't "curl up." Something 999 of 1,00o modelers never notice so WTH.

    Very interesting scheme and look to this one.

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