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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Santas' Little Helper and a Flying Sub

December 23, 2016 · in Uncategorized · 6 · 1.1K

It's amazing what a good Imperial Stout will do for you when building something! I figured I had better take some pictures of the interior before I closed it all up. I did do the option where I can pull off the top docking ring and look in, so you can see a lot of it after she's done. I still have some filling and sanding to do, but soon it will be a WHOLE lot of yellow. I will use Tamiya Camel Yellow from the spray can, which looks pretty close to my eye for the color on the show. Merry Christmas everyone!

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6 responses

  1. Nice work, Rob...and a Happy New Year.

  2. And a Happy New Year! She's coming along great, I'm tempted to pick up an old monogram flying sub..

  3. The monogram one is great, it's a re-pop of the Aurora kit. A more manageable size than this monster! I think it can be found on ebay for about the same price as the Moebius kit.

  4. Nice build Rob, Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  5. That definitely takes me back to childhood!

  6. @robertandy that a terrific! Looking forward to it finished! Love your “little helper” 😉

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