Tamiya 1/72 scale F4U-1 Corsair
"Marines Dream", has always been one of those scheme's I've always wanted in my display case. The decals are BarracudaCals (sheet #BC72152). A great decal sheet !
I added some Eduard PE seatbelts and wired the engine, "this can cause blindness in 1/72 scale".
The kit canopy sits too high in the open position. Being too cheap to buy an aftermarket replacement, (I like to think I'm more of modeler purist this way), I took the kit canopy and thinned it down by sanding the inside area and then re-polishing it until it fit as it should.
A special thanks to Dave Hansen and Jim Sullivan who were a tremendous help on this project.
Wow! Sublime.
Wiring the engine is not the only thing that could make you go blind on this little beauty! Excellent work, Terry, I especially like the finish.
That really looks nice Terry, excellent looking paint job as well.
Very nice job. Something different in a Corsair. Love it.
That came out stunningly (is that a word?)...especially in that "smallish" scale (another questionable word). Your modeling talent(s) are displayed beautifully (that IS a word) on this Corsair. Very nice results indeed.
Run, Craig! The grammar nazis are coming around the corner! I'll stall them, wth some of my Baltimore inglich. Listen for the retching!
I don't see any questionable words, (as I use to say to my supervisors). They didn't buy it either.
Thanks Craig.
Very nicely done Terry. To achieve that level of realism in building, painting, weathering and markings in 1/72nd scale is outstanding. Fine photography too.
Thanks Jim, I didn't realize the background color blended in with the paint scheme as much as it did, until after I posted it.
I had a lot of fun researching this with you, Thanks again !
Terry, is this aircraft a repaint? The lower camou is higher. I know some strange stuff happened when the Navy changed over from the earlier blue gray/light gray to 3 color GSB, intermediate blue, and white.
Mostly, Navy/Marine A/C in action stayed the same until rework, reissue, or training command. Local interpretations of BUAER directives make modeling interesting, this looks to be one of those.
Insignia placement was interesting, also.
Good question Bernard about the high line of the light grey camo, and to be honest, I don't know. The actual photo's clearly show this pattern, it also shows blue behind the #576 and blue behind the nose art. My guess it was an "in the field" paint scheme, but I have know idea why,this being a land based Marine aircraft it took a real beating. Photos of it being hoisted up after a crash landing, shows a lot of touch-up to the paint. I also have to admit, the weird paint scheme was a real attraction to me.
Wow - great looking Corsair! I love the scheme, and your finish work is superb. Nicely done!
Thanks Greg, I know your a 1/72 scale guy, and I'm coming around more towards this scale. A lot of nice kits out there !
Great job
Beautiful " Bent wing".
Great build and weathering!
Good looking model Terry, well done.
Terry, great work! I really wish you had more pictures, including a closeup of the "wired" engine which caused blindness - LoL!
Marines Dream was originally delivered in the Blue-Grey/Light Grey finish, and had an in-the-field application of Sea Blue. Terry's rendition here is quite accurate, most don't get it right.
Very nice work on this, particularly given it's 1/72.
Man, is that ever a gorgeous bird! Really nice job!