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Igor Cernisevski
9 articles

LS 1/72 G3M1 Nell

February 23, 2017 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.3K

Another of my recent builds, this time it's old LS Nell. Built basically OOB, with some additions in the cockpit. Painted with spray can silver and Gunze red and black. Wash is Tamiya. Thanks for looking, comments are welcome, as always.

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10 responses

  1. Excellent job, sir... 🙂

  2. Unusual subject Igor, looks good.

  3. As mentioned, unusual subject, but finished to perfection.
    Regards, Dirk

  4. Looks great! I just made a commitment to buy an LS Ki-67 from a fellow modeler selling off some of his stash. Likes like you can get a reasonably nice build out of an LS kit, as yours turned out rather smart.

  5. Thanks guys! Greg, I have LS Ki-67 also, and it's a strange scale, more like 1/75 than 1/72, but it can be enlarged a bit so it looks more like it.

  6. Igor, they might be a little underscale, but they are worthwhile. You can do a whole series of Nells, to include Nippon-Go, and a couple of Donryus, one of them the huge cannon armed one. The IJN used them too, as torpedo bombers.
    They also have a certain charm, to those of us who came up with them back when there was very little available Japanese kits.

  7. Some neat work there, Igor, especially on the canopy framework.

  8. Nice work, I built one of these a few years ago, it was fun basic but interesting subject. I wish Tamiya or Hasegawa would do one in 48th scale, or anyone for that matter. Long wingspan parked next to a B-25 and an A-10 in this scale for comparison. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Chuck, there's a vacuform by Koster in 48th. Cast/resin accessories. Mr. Koster is one of the pioneers in vacs. I believe it is still available.

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