Duryee’s Zouave
One of my larger figures, this is Warriors Scale Models' 120 mm Officer, 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, Duryee's Zouaves. This is a resin figure, except for the sword. I modified the figure slightly by adding the sword and re-sculpting the left hand. The face and hands were painted in oils, the non-metallic areas in acrylics. For the metal I used SnJ's gold polishing powder mixed with Windsor and Newton Liquin and various oils.
Since there's no "common object" included in one of your pics for reference, am I to assume from my question in your previous figure post, that this one (120mm), is about twice the size of that 54mm figure, this making it roughly 1/18th scale or so...? In any event, you've done an outstanding job with your talented brush, sir.
I found it - a little under 5"...(still too small for these eyes to paint that well).
120 mm is usually considered 1/16 scale. Not the biggest figures you can find but, about as big as practicable for display purposes.
Painting figures is my weak spot. I have tried numerous times but rarely succeed. You on the other hand have it down to a science ! Excellent work Sir !
I hear ya...I can't paint figures worth a s**t, either.
Thank you Louis! I did figures almost exclusively for about 6 years. Took me many figures to get to the point of this guy.
Beautiful! Nice subject matter.
Thanks Robert. I do like American Civil War figures. I'll be posting more (as well as some more Napoleonic figures) in the following weeks.
Very nice work, Scott. I've seen another similar Zouave figure but not from WSM. I like this one better - more dynamic.
Thanks Rob! I wish I could take credit for the pose. I also wish I could remember the sculptor!
Gorgeous! I like the Colt Dragoon in his hand. I have one (a modern Colt reproduction) and shoot it at matches. Great work!
Thanks Jeffry. My best friend from childhood has one too. Fun to shoot! Was hard for me to hit the target with it though, lol.
Scott, that is one BAD looking officer! I wouldn't cross him. He looks like he'd shoot you without hesitation. Zouave units had a rep for being willing to fight all comers. I like the comment I read in a novel. This Southern officer remarked that there was a Zouave outfit in the area. He said they looked like a harlots picnic.
Great work! Love the dynamic pose!
Thanks Bernard! I never heard that line before. Funny!
Nice work!
Thanks Greg!
Good stuff. Figures are a challenge. I've got some in 1/9 to try but bigger doesn't mean they will be easier. That's a myth. No matter the size the detail will still need doing. Nice job. Scott
Thanks Anthony. You're correct: bigger doesn't make easier. Just like model tanks or planes, the bigger it is, the more detail to tackle.
Perfect paint work, Scott !
Please paint the blood gabg
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