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RAF Double Build

March 22, 2017 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.1K

Built for the ‘Micro Modelling Month' Campaign (GB) over at Modellers Alliance, Exactly three weeks from opening the boxes until finishing today – well I say finished, both models have a little ‘tidying-up' still to do. The needs its ECM aerials on the top of the fin painted, a pair of 'concrete Sparrows' in the forward bays and the nav lights on the wing-tips. The Typhoon needs the IR sensor painted and again the nav lights on the wingtip pods.

The Phantom is the last one in my stash and was bought with around five or six others when they first came-out in 1987 – yes they are thirty years old this year – the others were all built and enjoyed but are no-longer with us. I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of this build and after five previous attempts at building one these things, this is the first time I think I got it right ! – that said a MASSIVE amount of credit must go to Modeldecal, Dick Ward really knew what he was doing back in the day, the decals are around twenty-five years old and behaved flawlessly.

The Typhoon on the other hand was a massive disappointment. Yes I know it's easy to find and relatively inexpensive but it's a very poor kit, some poor fit issues, some dismal and some just plain unforgiveable. Yes they can all be fixed or repaired but definitely a 6.5-out-of-10 for RoG. I've not built the HB kit and can't afford a Hasegawa one so I've nothing to directly compare it to, perhaps folks here could advise as I really want to build a German one soon !

Please feel free to make any criticism, ask any questions or make any comments. Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.



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10 responses

  1. Phantoms look good to ME, no matter how old they are - and yours is no exception. I'll have to take your word on the Typhoon - I never built one.. (and most likely won't after reading your comments). Good to see you back on the forum, Ian.

  2. Both look really good! Are they 1/72, and were the Phantoms Fujimi? If they are 1/72, thanks for the warning on the Typhoon - that's the same kit I have in the stash I think!

  3. Ian, despite your difficulties, the Typhoon looks really good, and the Phantom, as well. Nice family portrait of the passing of the torch in Fighter Command, or whatever they're styling themselves these days. Add a Lightning, and a Hunter, and you've got a theme collection. My question would be, which Typhoon would be the best choice?

    • Thanks for the comment, Bernard, great to hear from you. To be honest I am planning a 'passing the torch' build, which will be a (no surprise) a Tornado F3, which will comfortably sit in the middle of these two.

      There is a Lightning close to the bench aswell, but in 1:48 and it will be an early NMF machine.

    • As for 'best choice' for another Typhoon build... Hasegawa by a country mile, but you will pay the price. I just saw another Revell Eurofighter on eBay for £9.00 (= $11.25USD) that's a little less than half of what the Hasegawa kit costs at the moment.

      But as I've not actually built (or owned) a Hasegawa kit, I'm only repeating what others have said...

  4. Great looking pair! You've got the oil stains just right on the F-4.

  5. Ian- is it Kia ora? Glad to see you, too. Thanks for reminding me about the Fin, I've got one of those, and some of the others. I was struck it would be a theme, and a reason (bwahahahah) to add to the loft insulation of the shelf of shame. I've been thinking along the same lines with AS/AAC/AAF/USAF fighters thru the decades. Make a striking collection. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. The Phantom would have made a good addition to last year's group build, really neat, and the Typhoon doesn't look half bad either, good work in such a tight timescale.

  7. Nicely done

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