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Robert Royes
258 articles

Taiden,Korea 1945/46

March 10, 2017 · in Photo Collections · · 8 · 2.1K

Some photos that my father took in Taiden Korea circa1945/46,the crashed was a 'Jungle Skipper', I don't know what the Japanese aircraft are, name that plane? Photo 8 is my father. By this time he was part of the mail unit, the building was their barracks/office. Luckily he didn't make a return trip in 1950.

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8 responses

  1. That C-47 looks like it had been sittin' there quite a while...surprised they didn't salvage more than they apparently did. But, then again, there must've been a whole lotta C-47's up for grabs around that time.

  2. The biplane is an IJA Tachikawa Ki-9 "Spruce" trainer.

  3. Robert, was your Father the eighth from the left, standing? Great photos! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Robert, good stuff, I love olds photo's. Thanks for sharing.

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