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George Henderson
72 articles

Hobby Boss 1/48 F4U-7

May 25, 2017 · in Aviation · · 16 · 4K

I built this as a tribute to a fellow modeller who passed away last December, one day short of his 26th birthday. He wanted to build this aircraft as it had an interesting history: serving with the French Aeronavale, one of the aircraft in the T.V. series "Baa Baa Black Sheep", privately owned in Alberta, Canada and finally at the Heritage Aircraft LCC. The Hobbyboss kit is very nice to put together but there are issues. The wings are modelled as fabric when they were metal at this stage. Actuators on the elevators and rudder need removed.

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5  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. This looks like a very nice F4U George, and a fitting tribute to your friend. I have often wondered what happened to the planes that were used during the filming of the TV series... I'm a "Big Time" fan of the Corsair. It's my favorite all time plane. Yours look great... Thanks for posting it.

  2. A fine build, and fine tribute sir.

  3. Can't have too many "bent-wing" birds in my estimation and this is another fine example.

    • Thanks Craig. This is only my 2¾ Corsair built. I cut and faired in the tips of the third Tamiya kit to make a British version, collecting dust in the "To be continued" pile

  4. Hi George,

    Fine french Corsair, very good job. My wife father worked on these aircraft in the late 1950s on Belleau-wood...

    Best regards,


    • Thanks Eric. The web-site I received the photo of the actual aircraft is a French navy site, only members and former members of the navy are allowed to join. i contacted the owner of the site and he was kind enough to send the photo and allow me to publish it

  5. I like the French markings on the Corsair - have a set myself to use on a new build soon... nice work!

  6. Hello George...Nice Corsair build and quite colorful in the French markings. That plane (133710) spent some time at the USMC Museum back in the late 60's after being returned to the U.S.

  7. An attractive version of the Corsair and, I'm sure, a fitting tribute to your friend.

  8. I second what you all have said. You’re a good friend and it’s a worthy tribute. I know I’m late to this message, but I just found iModeler.

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