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jim wasley
18 articles

Soviet BT-7

May 11, 2017 · in Armor · · 7 · 1.7K

Not long finished this kit it was a little rough in places and did have a lot of flashing on the sprue parts but the tracks went together like a dream,took a little bit of artistic licence on some of the add on:s ,and the tail pipes have real rust,just a little trick I tried many years back,by wetting steel wool,the fine kind you would use to wash up your pots and letting it rust,then crush it into a fine powder,then add as much or little as you like by putting some white wood glue were you want it to stick,I think it works a treat,and its cheep to.I added the figure from my parts box to give it some perspective,I am not much of a painter with figures that is an art in itself.

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7 responses

  1. I don't imagine there's any "wrong way" to dirty up and/or weather armor pieces...and I know all too well of which you speak when it comes to figure painting (I never have been much good at it).

  2. Jim, thanks for the rust tip! Wierd looking fenders on this! Looks good!

    • Thanks Bernard yes I like the shape of these early tanks looks like they took them of the family sedan,this one did not photo as good as I hoped I only use a small happy snap camera,took a few and every one looked like I changed the colour with each one,and the detail does not look as good,Owell Ill blame the Russian green colour.

  3. Great job! an unusual subject.

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