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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

1/48 Privateer @ SoonerCon an inspiration for my next build...

June 22, 2017 · in Aviation · · 32 · 10.7K

A couple of weeks ago I travelled down the turnpike to Oklahoma City to attend (and enter) the SoonerCon 2017 contest. This beautiful -2 was the belle of the ball, taking 1st in category, Modeler's Choice, and Best of Show awards. I asked a friend of mine who had brought his nice camera with light ring to take lots of pics, as I wanted to use this as a reference for my build. Dave also talked to the builder, who said this build took 5 years. I don't really have any details re: kit or aftermarket parts, but looking at the detail through the canopies it's obvious he did a lot of excellent work, not to mention the finish. I hope you all enjoy this build as much as I did!

I didn't have a on my "build list" for the year, but when inspiration strikes, you gotta follow the rabbit down the hole! I've pulled my Matchbox kit out of the stash, ordered 2 sets of Squadron vac-form canopies and some decals, and will soon order the High Planes set of engines and cowlings. I will at least get started on this build this year - when I finish (with group build commitments in mind) is anybody's guess, but it won't take me 5 years at least!

Reader reactions:
24  Awesome

17 additional images. Click to enlarge.

32 responses

  1. Greg, Good stuff, I didn't realize these had double top turrets, cool !. I've got an actual picture taken on Saipan of one of these. I look forward to what you can do with yours.

  2. I saw this via Le Book Du Face last week though the pho coverage was not as extensive.
    Great Googly-Moogly! Easily the best 4 By 2 i've seen. Do we know if this started off with the Koster conversion, or the Meteor Models costs-as-much-as-a-honda-accord-if-you-can-find-it-on-ebay resin conversion?

    I don't know what makes the model more: the clear parts of the paint scheme.

    I can see why it took 5 years to build. A best of show model never gets built quickly.


    • Yeah - I wish I'd had more time to converse with the builder and get more details, but I was also a vendor at the contest (selling off some club stash) and the vendor room was separate from the show floor.

    • David- I used the Cutting Edge conversion. I bought it when it first came out at the IPMS nationals in Atlanta. Many times during the build I wished I had sold it on eBay and taken a vacation on the money!

  3. BTW i too have the Matchbox kit started. The engine nacelles were the roadblock for me.


  4. Thanks for the pics Greg, almost as good views as travelling down to Oklahoma to see the real thing! 🙂 Wonderful work indeed...

  5. Easy to see why this took the top categories...thanks for sharing these.

  6. Very nice. You've certainly set your sights high, to replicate this 1:48 version in 1:72, but I can see you're in love so there's no stopping you now!

  7. WOW, that's an awesome build of the PB4Y-2 Privateer. The level of detail work is amazing and the modeler certainly deserved high awards for producing that beauty. Very nicely done.

  8. Mike West, who operates Lone Star Models, has brought back the Cobra Company detail set for the Matchbox kit. From what I have seen, it's an investment well worth making.

    • Thanks for the heads-up! At $65 it's a bit pricey for me, especially after I already put about $30 into the decals, canopies and engines/nacelles. For anyone else who might be interested, Lone Star says it'll be available in August.

  9. Not a complaint here, but perhaps someone better versed in the PB4Y-2 can gell me why the nose turret is the Emerson turret of the B-24, rather than the Erco ball turret of the PB4Ys.

    And yes, this one is beautiful work. I particularly like the small and little-known detail that the turrets are not "framed, but rather have glue lines where the different parts came together. All turrets should look like that!

  10. Great Pick Greg - impeccable work on this build - love the engines and cowling covers particularly - lovely to see.
    You've got love the Privateer though looks like it was thrown together by Dr Frankenstein using bits from his parts bin!

  11. "Sometimes you gotta follow the rabbit down the hole" - Greg, you are so right. Sums up at least 50% of modeling.

  12. Incredible pics and build,5 years wow at that rate I may only have a few more builds in me,Thanks for sharing.

  13. That's a great build for sure! Looking forward to seeing yours.

  14. It looks great ! Thanks for sharing this with us Greg. I was looking at the 1/48 Koster vacuum formed conversion kit a while ago to make one of my Monogram B-24's into a Privateer. I couldn't afford it at the "buy it now" price. Someone else did though. It's a cool looking plane. Thanks again buddy.

  15. AMAZING! A work of art that belongs in a museum!

  16. Simply incredible model. Unusual, nothing but just captures your attention. The detail is beyond what I can do. And the base kit is the Matchbox kit? Wow. I have some long term projects but for the reason of that kind of detail. In my case is just putting it off. Thanks for sharing that Greg. A Privateer is something I have had my eye on to build someday.

  17. Museum quality indeed! A fantastic result from a five year investment. Paintwork & detail to die for! It would be great to see some photos of this against a plain background to appreciate it more. Thanks for posting it Greg.

  18. Master Modeler. respect, lots of respect. I can not stay focused for five years on one project. I would have lost have my parts.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  19. Great work!

    Best regards, Vlad

  20. PB4Y-2 Privateer
    Koster Aero Enterprises - Nr. 19 - 1:48 makes a conversion set for the Revellogram B-24. I wonder if this was a starting point for this kit. There are some models that are head and shoulders above what mortals can make and this is a good example.

    Page 244 in "Great American Bombers of WWII" shows a Privateer Tortilla Flat serving with VPB-106 with the same sharkmouth and front turrent arrangement.

    • Stephen-
      I used the Cutting Edge conversion kit for this build. Tortilla Flat is the markings on my PB4Y-2. It has the nonstandard nose turret and shark teeth, what more could a guy want!

  21. Brings tears to my eyes! This is b/c my dad flew in these during later part of WW2 out of the Pacific. Stationed at Kenoe Bay NAS flying long range patrol. I could never find a decent model of this fabulous aircraft. Years ago built the Matchbox kit but not very good. I know there are good conversions but not really into that. This is the best looking PB4Y-2 I have seen in model form. Thanx for showing it.

  22. Greg do u know how this person built this? What model he used? Any details?

  23. I actually said "woooow!" out loud when I saw the first picture. Fantastic work. This is something to be proud of!

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