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Tom Bebout
143 articles

Midway Group Build 1/48 Hasegawa Aichi D3A1 Type 99 (Val)

June 4, 2017 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.7K

In addition to the Midway Campaign the Japanese began their offensive in the Aleutians by staging a bombing raid on the Naval Base at Dutch Harbor on June 3, 1942. Strike force aircraft were launched from the carriers Junyo and Ryujo. Most became lost in fog and darkness and those that found the harbor were met with intense anti-aircraft fire and fighters from the Eleventh Air Force from Fort Glen Army Airfield. Most dropped their bombs in the bay and did little damage.However they would return on June 4 where they set oil storage tanks on fire left the hospital partially demolished and a beached ship damaged.

The Val that I completed for the Midway Group Build represents an aircraft from the carrier Junyo. It subsequently would be shot down with the lost of her crew. The kit went together well and most of the construction lies in building the detailed cockpit. Tamiya paints were used for the exterior and Model Master acrylics for the cockpit. Nylon thread was used for the antenna and bare metal foil for the prop. Only issue I had was masking all that glass on the canopy.

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7  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Good lookin' build, Tom...well done - I like it.

  2. I remember watching your build progress postings. It really turned out nice Tom. Two thumbs up, and a hand salute.

    Good job my friend... I really like it.

  3. Excellent model Tom! That's a cool looking plane. 🙂

  4. Great work Tom. Nice to see a Val in this colour scheme!

  5. Nice! great cockpit work!

  6. Sharp work - looks really good!

  7. That is a sharp looking model, Tom. That Hasegawa kit is a beautiful model, and you did a fine job on it...

  8. Hello Tom,
    Job well done.
    Regards, Dirk

  9. Great build Tom, very well done.

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