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Ulf Lundberg
73 articles

Models in Mundolsheim Part 2

June 23, 2017 · in Show Reports · · 12 · 6.5K

Civilian cars aren’t exactly original, but we don’t see too many of them here at imodeler, so here are some.

Some great animal sculptures were exhibited.

Then there was this modeler, or group of modelers, that build horse drawn carts of wood. They weren’t ”realistic” models in the traditional sense of plastic modelers, but they sure were examples of great craftsmanship.

Weren’t there any ”normal” airplanes, you ask?
Sure, how about these.

There were plenty more, of course.
Auguste Kleinpeter, whom I had the pleasure of meeting a year ago in Zeiskam, was there with his great 1:32 aircraft models.

Military vehicles, weren’t there any of those?
Sure, the usual and the not so usual ones.

There were some cut-through animal models, some sci-fi stuff and a model of a Leonardo da Vinci model as well.

Now for the odd stuff. How about dioramas of rock concerts or a circus?

Aficionados of classical french comics, like myself, rejoiced at the dioramas of Asterix’ village.
Brush up your old school french, by translating what Obelix and Geriatrix say.

Lastly, there were some creative ”Don’t touch” signs.

The translation of the last one reads:
If you love your fingers as much as i love my models, look with your eyes only!

Of course, I took the opportunity to visit the city of Strasbourg. It’s been declared UN World Heritage, so it’s definitely worth a visit. The cathedral is magnificent.

Some 90 km south of Straßburg, lies the fortified city of Neuf-Brisach. It’s a perfectly octagonal city designed by the famous fortress architect Vauban and considered to be his masterpiece. Don’t miss it if you are in the area. It’s UN World Heritage too.

Many thanks and hat off to the people of Club Maquettiste de Strasbourg, who organized this very nice event.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

12 responses

  1. Quite the eclectic collection there, Ulf...many thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. I don't do many vehicles, but the Bristol bus is now on my radar. Didn't even know a model existed of it. I hope in 1/25!

  3. Thanks again for these, Ulf, you certainly managed to find the more unusual models.

  4. Ulf, thanks for posting, always a pleasure for a Yank to see what's going on in the other parts of the modeling world. Some outstanding work there!

  5. Love the Book Of Souls diorama...

  6. Interesting group. As you say, not many auto subjects here so good to see the show examples.

    Thanks for posting.

  7. Thank you for sharing - great read and some beautiful work.

  8. This was all great, Ulf!

    I enjoy the pictures of Asterix and his friends Obelix and Geriatrix. Sadly, I don't know French (old school or new) so I can't understand the humour. I "discovered" Asterix years ago when I had a job in Oberammergau. I found a few English translations & really enjoyed the cartoons!

  9. Good stuff Ulf, Thanks for giving us a look !

  10. A model of Iron Maiden... why not!
    Some cool stuff on display, thanks for sharing.

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