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neil foster
92 articles

What to build next ?

August 12, 2017 · in Uncategorized · 68 · 2.5K

This guys is my entire stash, all of it, that's the lot ,I know some guys who have literally hundreds of kits but not me ,as a rule I buy a kit I want to build and then I build it but even with that policy you will inevitably end up with a few extras, some are gifted to you some are impulse purchases some are bargains too good to pass up, the Fujimi PR Spitfire Mk 19 was where I found the SU 2 by the way,anyhow I thought it might be fun if you guys decide for me what I build next, the one that gets the most thumbs up is the one I build it's up to you.

Cheers N.

P.S I'll keep this going until it drops of page one.

P.P.S. This is now finished, give me a day or two to go through it and announce which kit I'll be building.

Cheers N.

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68 responses

  1. Great choices, Neil!

    1) Mosquito
    2) Seafire

    It's your choice, but those are my votes. Enjoy!

  2. The Airfix EE Lightning gets my vote, my friend.

  3. The Trafalgar class submarine or the Vosper, of course!

  4. The SH Fairey Firefly will not disappoint. It's my favorite short run kit of all time. Go Firefly!

    • Oh dear ,that one has been on the shelf for a few years and has been putting me off ,it seems like a lot of work but if it gets the vote I'll do it.

      • Goes together surprisingly well if you pay attention to the alignment of the cockpit and rear cabin. Glass fits well too. Check mine out in my gallery. I built two.

  5. My vote is for the Tamiya P-51... I just pulled one of mine down and was looking at it. It's a very nice kit.

    • Can't go wrong with a Tamiya P51, though I'm told the new Airfix offering is even better.

      • That's what I read too. A few days ago I ordered a book and set of decals for all of the Mustangs flown by George Preddy. I have always liked the "Cripes a Mighty" Mustangs. I'm sure that whatever you choose will turn out splendid.

        • I'm not going to choose,you guys are !,as for P51's I would love to find a decal sheet for "This is it!" as seen in the early Airfix 1/24 scale kit.

  6. Great idea, Neil, not sure if you're going to get a clear majority though, more likely some sort of coalition...but if I only get one vote then it's the Seafire (go on, you know you want to).

    • I would love to it's a great kit, considered by some to be one of Airfix's best ever and I should know I've already built two of them.
      P.S. Both in my gallery here.

  7. Airfix Seafire 46/47, she's a beaut, last of the line.

  8. Harrier for me, Neil!

    • Yeah ! that Harrier has a nice Falklands war decal sheet and a resin bang seat but has raised panel lines so I may try to engrave it,if it's the one.

  9. PR Spitfire I think Neil perhaps in flight and doing a wing over. You would have to do a pilot though 🙂

    • O.K. Rob ,if it gets picked I'll do it in flight (a first for me) but the canopy is missing in that kit you'll have to help locate a replacement.
      Cheers N.
      I only bought that kit because the artwork on the box is stunning.

  10. Nice selection Neil. I wish I had stopped at 100 but they are slowly getting whittled away. You can get a replacement canopy here...
    ...unfortunately you also get 17 other canopies for various mark Spitfires, good if that's the scale you build in. I'd like to see the Nord 2501 built for the sole reason being that I'd never heard of it until now

  11. Quite a nice selection there. Among the many good choices, I'd vote for the P-26 Peashooter... for purely personal reason of having the same kit in my stash!

    • P- 26 it is from Martin,I think up to now it's a three way split between the Seafire the Peashooter and the Noratlas ,who would have predicted that.
      Cheers Martin.

  12. OK, I'll fall for this, I'm a die hard P-51 fan, can't go wrong with a nice P-51, and their are always new schemes coming out, because I'm not the only one that favors them, so I vote for the Seafire, just love those counter rotators !

  13. The Seafire takes the lead with three votes so far,Cheers Terry ,thanks for joining in.

  14. Three of those kits are in my stash as well, so I will vote for the EE Lightning as it is one of my favourite Cold War era interceptors. The Supermarine Seafire in Korean War markings and the P 51 from Tamiya are all good choices!

  15. Revell Vosper, but only if it's in seascape, as on box art.

    My reasons: (1) it would push you to new skill levels for seascape modelling and (2) the aircraft choices are not any we haven't seen many times before here, so not really sure what could be brought to the table that's memorable/new/worthwhile (apart from physically reducing your stash ?). Good luck, mate!

  16. Hi Rob , I'm wondering why you specified the Revell Vosper my instinct would have gone for the Airfix every time, if it is the Vosper we go for I seriously doubt I will attempt it in seascape,that's just a bridge too far for the modellers limited skill ,I know most of the aircraft are fairly run of the mill stuff but I don't think we've seen a Nord Noratlas on here, correct me if I'm wrong anyone.
    Thanks for taking part Rob, N.

    • Naturally defer to your knowledge between Airfix/Revell. Noratlas good choice of course but playing devil's advocate in supporting project not air-related for a change and perhaps to broaden interests in other modelling areas.

      Still think you should have a go at seascape in compact vignette. I think there are figures available in the scale to add that little extra something, if not already included in kit,

      • Just had a quick look and the Revell kit is like the Marie Celeste that is to say crewless however there are crewmen in the Airfix version so I suppose they could jump ship.
        Cheers N.

  17. Hello Neil, your not making things easy I must say,haha. I would suggest the Airfix EE Lightning in 1/48. Great aircraft and I thing Airfix did a nice kit for this one. Cheers, Ferry.

  18. I say the Peashooter mate, They are not rare, but something about her seems to say build me, I have lots of details...
    But how she builds is another matter.

    • Cheers Simes, I remember buying that at Cosford one year and the resident "Know it all" looked down his nose at me and said "oh you bought one of those did you" in a sort of snotty way, I always thought this and the Polikarpov (which I've built) and the Brewster Buffalo are slightly comical looking little aircraft but all equally dangerous if your on the receiving end.
      Thanks for joining in old pal, N.

  19. I vote for the F-117 mate. The first kit I ever built when I was a kid was one of those. I didn't even paint it because the plastic was black anyway!

    • I have got that one in my stash Richard, and age has not helped it I think , looks like a lot of warpage of the main body.

    • Hey Rich,nice to hear from you mate, my plan was always to build that as a "what if " , there's a lot of conspiracy theory on the net about the Israeli's getting these after the Yanks were finished with them, I know he black paint is part of the stealthy aspect of this aircrafts "invisibility" but imagine it in classic IAF desert camo ! wow ,cool or what, if this one gets built it certainly won't be in black.
      Thanks for joining in mate.

  20. Build one of the Vospers!

  21. hello Neil, my vote goes for the sea harrier;

  22. Ze lightning pleeeeaaazzzze !

  23. I'm a plane guy - so skipping the boats. I've got that Noratlas kit in my stash, so would love to see what you could do with that!

    • If I'm honest Greg I have a hankering to build that one although the decals are knackered, I have a feeling the Israeli's had some of these I'll have to do some research,thanks for taking part pal.

  24. The Pegasus Hobbies Model 21 Zero! Go for it! A very nice kit that can look as good as ya want it to!
    Practice something new with it!
    My 2 Cents, if that.

    • That little zero would be the only Japanese aircraft in my inventory if it gets built,I could practice that paint peeling of thing that seemed to plague Japanese warbirds in WW11.Thanks for your input Bowman.

  25. Hi Neil,
    I vote for the Airfix Vosper. I remember the air sea rescue boat you did a while back, and it turned out great.

    Cheers Greg

    • I'm a bit surprised at how much interest there has been in those Vospers ! but if that's what my peers want then that is what I'll build.

      • The good news is, you've made the right decision, the other good news is, you can still build everything else later at your gentlemanly leisure. All will be well.

        • Sorry Rob ,I've just done a quick count up and there are four votes for the EE Lightning ,so up to now that's in the lead,it sort of broke the Vosper vote because there are two to choose from,you preferred the Revell ,Gregor d liked the Airfix ,Ulf didn't specify and a couple of others chose them as second choices, but I'm not going to do the final tally until it drops of page 1 which I think may be Wednesday or maybe Thursday.However due to the amount of interest shown if a Vosper doesn't come out on top it will definitely be next on the list and should be finished by Xmas.


  26. If it's not to late , I vote the submarine.

  27. Hi Neil, I'll go for the Noratlas.

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