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George Williams
97 articles

Year of the cat: tiger on the tail

October 21, 2017 · in Aviation · · 27 · 2.9K

Here's my second contribution to this great group build, it's Great Wall's 1/48 limited edition kit Slovak Air Force 2014 Special Painting "digital camouflage with Tiger on Tail" 2014/2016. Jack Mugan posted a similar model a while back, and, like he said, I couldn't wait to get on with the decalling. I took Jack's advice and cut up some of the larger decals making them easier to apply and didn't really have any problems. The kit included some etched details, but I couldn't fathom out the seat harness so I rigged one up using masking tape. Any other errors are down to me (and I know there's at least one big one!). For the photographically minded I took the pictures using natural light in my kitchen on my Sony a6000 camera, then wi-fi'd them to my iPhone. I adjusted the brightness and contrast a little, did some trimming and posted them here, so easy thanks to iModeler. Thanks again for looking, George

P.S. I've added another picture, is the next iModeler T-shirt? You saw it here first.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

27 responses

  1. Beautiful work George ! The decal work is simply amazing. Bravo Sir, well done...

  2. Love that scheme, George...very nice result. And where can I get one of those cool shirts? 🙂 🙂

  3. George, Very nice scheme (my wife likes it too ! --- only because it has a cat on it). Very well done.

  4. Cheers, Terry, and to your wife, too.

  5. Incredible job well done George. The GW MiG-29 is one must have kit I wish to get soon. Builds up quite well and yours shows the end result. thanks for sharing

  6. I appreciate your generous comments, Chuck, it's certainly a nice kit.

  7. Fantastic work George! Quite a challenge with the pixel camouflage and it looks great. And offcourse the cat is there too, very well done.

  8. Yes the tiger definitely qualifies! Nice build mate, I love a bit of digital camo. Nice T-shirt as well!
    I've got a 1/32 Mig-29 in the cupboard, but it looks big even in 1/48.

  9. Gee that looks great George. Nice job on the digital camo, I'm sure placing those down would make my eyes cross.

  10. Nice work. I have yet to figure out "digital camouflage" as to whether it actually works or just "looks cool."

  11. A striking build, George. I first saw these digi-camo decals three or four years ago at Telford as aftermarket sets, and now they seem to be more mainstream. MiG-29s always a good modelling subject in my view.

  12. A really handsome cat on the tail! and looks like your camo T-shirt really works, It's hard to find you under your neck

  13. Very nice - quite the scheme!

  14. Nice bird and fantastic camo. Did you paint your T-shirt too?

  15. Amazing work George, and that digital camo is one of my favourites - looks amazing - I've heard the GWH kits are very good - what would you compare it with?

    Love the T-shirt where are you selling them haha.

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