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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Astutely Done

November 15, 2017 · in Ships · · 21 · 2.1K

When I feel like I'm getting bogged down with builds that are getting too complicated, I like to do a modern sub. It's a black tube with a few parts attached. (Okay, sometimes there's a red half or so.) That equals refreshment for me! I had got to that point recently so I pulled one out of the stash and got started. So here's the Astute class submarine.

The fit of the parts was great and construction, except for the periscopes/sensors took about an hour. After a little filler along the hull and some light sanding I was ready to paint! Between the choices of black or black, I decided to go with black. I used AK anti-glare blue black for the main hull and rubber black for the side panels. I'm not sure the difference shows up well in the photos. There was good contrast between the two blacks before I started weathering. I decided to try my hand at the dot-weathering with oils method to give a little tone variation. In person the effect is subtle but noticeable. I learned some good lessons trying it out.

Anyway, the project fulfilled its purpose and I'm recharged and ready to tackle a couple F-4 Phantoms.

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7  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. I can see the difference in your colors...and the build looks pretty darn good, too.

  2. Looks great, Scott. I agree with your choice of painting: black. It goes with everything!

    Seriously, it looks really well done. Is it a British sub? I'm not all that familiar with subs around the world, but it SOUNDS like a British class.

  3. Very nice. I like the Headline.

  4. Scott, I've never seen a sub like this, The model itself looks very nice, so thanks for sharing.

  5. Scott, great job on the sub. These kits are really ideal if you want to take a break from the more complicated builds - and as you said, they are a perfect canvas for trying out new weathering techniques!

  6. Nice Scott! Since I only build aircraft, I can't really get away from the "complication" of way too many other parts that connect to the tube in question! It would be nice to start a project knowing the end isn't a couple of months (minimum) in the future!

    • Thanks Greg! I guess most aircraft are just “tubes” of a different sort, ?. Maybe one of those old Hawk 1/72 planes would be the quick build. They have about as many parts as this sub kit, ?

  7. A great build, sir.

  8. Does the design of submarines include the area rule principle? This model reminds me of the pinched waist of the F-105 Thunder Chief or the F-102.

  9. Hello Scott,
    Interesting subject and very well executed.
    Just at this very moment, the ARA (Armada Argentina) is missing one submarine in the Southern Atlantic ocean. I hope they will be able to return to port. What a misery for the Naval High Command and the crews family members. I wish them all the best.
    Dirk / The Netherlands.

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