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Charles King
130 articles

Scania Heavy Hauler 8x4x4 Combo

November 14, 2017 · in Automotive · · 14 · 2.3K

The tractor unit is mostly heavily modified from two kits and some minor scratch building. I also added a 99% scratch built trailer based on two different trailers from pics off the net and from one in my area. So I hope you enjoy the photos.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Charles, the ex-linehaul dispatcher says well done! Our equipment looked pretty in comparison.

    • HaHa! Well, when I built this I wanted the dirty gritty look that you get from old haulers after many years in use and not so well taken care of. In some Baltic states, there are some, not all, that have combos like this. I just like the old work horse look of a beast like this.

  2. Another nice one - about how long does it take to complete one of these beauties?

  3. WOW - two weeks! If only...

    By the way - another fantastic model.

  4. Great lookng beastie. Again very realistic.

  5. That's impressive! You're really good at this whole modelling thing!

  6. very very very nice!

  7. Charles, I've run out of adjectives to describe your work! Suffice to say, this - like everything you've shared with us - is excellent with absolutely real-looking models.


    • I really appreciate your positive comments. This pushes me even further to do better. Thank you for the many positive responses you and many others have given my builds.

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