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George Williams
96 articles

Something for the weekend, sir?

November 14, 2017 · in Automotive · · 30 · 1.7K

At the beginning of this year I started a project, but, like many such ideas it has fallen by the wayside, however, here's one finished model, 's scale kit of the GT2 Club Sport road version. In 1995 Porsche decided to manufacture two versions of this car, one a pure competition version, a rear wheel drive 3.6 litre air oooled V6 with 450 bhp for group two racing, and a road version, slightly de-tuned to 430 bhp, complete with air conditioning and a decent audio system. The idea being that the car could be used during the week for commuting to work and raced at the weekend.

The kit is standard Tamiya, a kerb side model with some decent interior detail, and, naturally, went together without any problems. I finished it with Tamiya's spray can yellow. I don't usually model road cars but I couldn't get hold of a kit of the competition model, I think this one looks racy enough though. Thanks for looking, George.

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30 responses

  1. Well done George, just sitting it looks fast.

  2. Tamiya yellow, huh...? Looks more like a "butterscotch" color on MY 'pooter, George. I still like it, though. Wish I had a real one. 🙂

    • Cheers, Craig, wish I had a real one, too, they are fetching top prices at the auctions. Maybe I'm wrong about that colour, it was a couple of months ago. Perhaps it was florescent orange?

  3. Racy enough? You bet!

    Great 911, George.

  4. Very nice George. I think the finish is excellent.

  5. Porsche there is no substitute! Well done George.

  6. George, Very nice ! a lot of nice detail, and I like the color, it would be a nice sunny day car !

  7. Nice work, George. The 911 is a great car.

  8. Hi John, thanks for looking, I agree, the 911 is certainly one of the great cars.

  9. Now we’re back in George territory! With those recent aircraft offerings I thought you’d gone over to the dark side.

  10. Racy enough indeed! Very nice. The one car I sat in in my early twenties that I have dreamed about ever since was a cream colored 911 SC Targa with a doe-skin leather fit me like a glove. When ever asked "if you could have any car in the world..." the answer is immediate.

  11. Always enjoy seeing your auto builds, This one's great.

  12. Nice build mate! I drag raced against one at the Nurburgring! It was the only car which gave the R1 a run for it's money off the starting line! I still won though for the record... but only just!

  13. Another beautiful build George... the 911 looks fast even when it's sitting still.

  14. Very nice George, Love these Tamiya Porsche's, have a couple of GT2's m'self and there's GT1 just in the final stages on the bench right now !

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