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John Healy
165 articles

1/48 Dassault Rafale B

January 22, 2018 · in Aviation · · 18 · 3.3K

I told you I liked the ! This is the kit of the French Air Force 2 seat model issued in 2008. I snagged it at a vendors table at the Butch O'Hare IPMS show in suburban Chicago this past November. The kit includes a set of six GBU-12 LGBs, 1250liter fuel tanks, Mica and Magic AA missiles, and two Scalp cruise missiles. I elected to arm it with the cruise missiles, Mica AA missiles, and three 2000liter tanks that I swapped out from the Rafale M kit. The model is painted with Humbrol enamels. The Tigermeet decals came with the kit and didn't inspire confidence due to their matte finish and brittle appearance. I really wanted to use them, though. I got them to conform with several brush coats of Future. Future is my decal set of choice for most applications. A blast of dull coat finished it off. That's it for the Rafales...thanks for looking.

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12  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. Nicely finished, John...a real "eye-catcher" - 🙂

  2. Oh yes, absolutely fantastic! You managed very well with the decals. Love it!

    • Thanks, Ferry! It was about time I did a Tigermeet scheme. Years ago I did a Belgian F-104 in tiger stripes that sadly had to go to the spare parts box after it “crashed” on the living room floor.

  3. Looks great! Well done.

  4. Another neat build John ! The tiger scheme would scare the heck out of me if I was an enemy ! Thanks again for sharing your work !

  5. The decal scheme on your Rafale is excellent indeed... The plane turned out very nicely. Well done Sir.

  6. A beautiful build of a beautiful bird! I love it! Must build a Rafale sometime soon!

  7. I love the Tigermeet schemes as well, not too late to enter it into the Year of the Cat group build, it would be a fine addition.

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