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Robert Royes
258 articles

Macchi C.202 Folgore Tunisia 1943,Battle of Kasserine Pass Group build.1/72 Supermodel

The ancient Macchi fighter, I used equally ancient ESCI decals markings of A/C #3 374 Squadrilia,153 Gruppo, Tunisia 1943 and Print Scale Italian aircraft camo. sheet. After applying the decals, I realized that the paint was probably the wrong shade of desert tan/sand, think of it as if it's a faded photo. The kit supplied rubber tires, of which one was missing, replaced both from the spares box. For its age, its still an interesting kit.

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7  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Another nice-lookin' build, Robert...I like it.

  2. This is one of the most elegant planes of WW2. It's right up there with the Spitfire and the Ki-61... Well done Robert.

  3. Another fabulous addition to the group build, and one with real character, beautifully executed. Thank you Robert!

  4. Robert, the camo patterning is fantastically well done - spot on in fact! And what a beautiful plane!

  5. Nice! I love the Italian in-line aircraft - agree they are among the most elegant of the period.

  6. It was in a desert. It was sunny. Paint fades in sun and deserts. Sorted. Looks good to me Robert.

  7. Looks great, Robert! I remember the 1st time I saw one of these - it's hanging from the ceiling (as if in flight) at the Smithsonian. It looks as if it's diving on a bomb group of B-17s (G model, If memory serves) - a marvelous painting. I'm sure most - if not all of us - have seen the display or at least photos from the Flight Museum. Beautiful aircraft! The Italian planes certainly have a look all their own.

    Really well done, Amigo! Nice camo pattern.

  8. Great work Robert! Very nice looking aircraft these MC202's. And the "curly smoke" camo is a nice feature on these Italian aircraft. Very well done!

  9. Very striking, especially the colour scheme, are all the "squiggly" bits decals?

  10. Bob, beautifully done! Still the best Folgore out there, IMHO. Smoke rings are a challenge, and in 72nd!

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