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Martin Dytrych
41 articles

A-4F Skyhawk (Eduard 1:48)

March 24, 2018 · in Aviation · · 30 · 5.6K

My second ... it is done. I think it is time to move on, I am not a guy building just one aircraft type.
I really do not know what to say after this build, because I am just happy that it is over and I can move on.
Do not take me wrong, I enjoyed this build and the finished model is beautiful, but two almost same builds are enough for me.

Reader reactions:
23  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

30 responses

  1. Now that right there is absolutely beautifully done, sir. If I were to ever describe a build as being "perfect", this would be it. Stunning workmanship indeed. I love it. 🙂

  2. Martin, I respect your honesty with this; when you are done, you're done. But as Craig says, this is stunning. If at some point your build felt laboured it certainly doesn't show in the 'Hawk. She's a showpiece.

  3. Outstanding work in all respects, Marin. The finish and weathering are just stunning. Well done, sir!

  4. Martin, nothing wrong with being slight obsessed with a particular type of aircraft. It clearly is a result of a labour of devotion to the A-4, and I will repeat what I wrote on the comments of your other A-4, back in December...“just one of the best I’ve seen made. Very well painted, weathered realistically and overall a very solid build”

  5. Martin, this is very nice work !, I really like the finish work with just enough touch of weathering to make it look very realistic. I like it a lot / Well done !

  6. You surely can be very proud of this build, Martin. Amazing weathering too, there is a lot of depth in the surface. Michel.

  7. Absolutely beautiful! I just finished this kit and it was fun - so much that I actually bought a Hasegawa version, so I know how addictive the Scooter can be. But yeah two such bults in a row could be a bit exhausting...

  8. I can parrot what has been stated above. Doing two kits at once and getting this result reminds me of what May West once said " Too much of a good thing , is
    Wonderful. Another version "Too much of a good thing, is a good thing."

  9. Thank you guys. The kit itself is very easy to be build - for a little bit experienced modeller. I learned how to use soft pastels and acrylic pencils, which was completely new for me.

    I know it can sound funny, but I am starting A-4M Skyhawk right today. However, it is much bigger bird - 1:32. That one is for my friend to his collection and there will be nothing specila, so it sounds very relaxing now 🙂

    Therefore I pull out my next project on the table too - Spitfire IXc with almost everything open.

    This is a real challenge. You might wonder, why Spitfire, but I have no Czech pilots aircraft in my collection - and this is real shame 🙂 And Spitfire is beautiful aircraft.

    So, keep your fingers crossed. And I will update my build journal here on iModeler, so you can watch it step by step.

  10. Fantastic job, I like it 😉


  11. This model is awesome. I dont blame you for making 2 in a row b/c the A-4 is so cool. It is one of my favorite jets and I really need to pump a few out myself. Last one I made was 5 years ago and it was when Hasegawa released the TA-4J. I have a Hasegawa A-4 sitting in my stash. You really did a great job and really captured its awesome unique look. Would love to see some build photos, especially your painting process. Here is my TA-4J.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  12. I can get it about being bored doing the same model twice, but this work is really nice.

  13. Another great job Martin, a very beautiful Scooter

  14. Beautiful build!

  15. Cool build Martin, really good finish.

  16. Great looking Scooter, Martin. The weathering is perfect. Not too much ... just right.

    It looks real. That's my highest compliment. I can't say more.

  17. She's a real beauty! Your finish is just fantastic.

  18. Very very nice !

  19. An excellent example of the Skyhawk.

  20. Big Thank you to all. 🙂
    I would be happy to meet you in Moson next mont. I will present both Skyhawks there.

  21. Hello Martin,
    My highest compliments on your models.
    The "grey" example has a very nice shine and not over-weathered. Like it should be
    Finished to the highest standards.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  22. Lovely looking A-4. I know how you feel about building 2 of the same. I just finished 2 side by side Macchi C.205s

  23. Wonderful work, Martin. Light weathering on #300 is particularly well-done.

  24. I haven't ever built two of the same aircraft back-to-back for the same general reason you mention, but lately I think that's the way I might do my best and I'm going to try it. You learn the pitfalls of both the kit and your own process and can immediately apply the benefits of hindsight. The knowledge gained from research or studying of references and pondering aftermarket add-ons, which often I don't do or really grasp until I'm in the middle of a sticky situation, is much more ingrained by the end of the build and can be incorporated from the get-go. I don't know if all of that was a factor here, but the result is certainly impressive. Superb Skyhawk.

    • I think it has definitely some benefits - you can focus on important things and the only one disadvantage - you can get bored by building the same kit over and over.

  25. Very nice Martin! Absolutely beautiful to my eyes.

  26. Astonishing build!... Very well done Martin...

  27. @naviatik - Absolutely stunning work.

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