41 articles · 3.4K karma · 24 friends · active 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Born in Czech, currently living in Slovakia.
I am focused on building navy and marine aircrafts, but I like all of them ( almost all :).

Dark priestess Aväticana ( 3D printapprox. 1:12 )

This is my 3rd miniature and she is the best one so far. For first time, I used airbrush to get smooth colors transition and it definitely paid off. This beatiful print is created by GSculpt and its original name is "Gunaty - pale [...]

P-51D-20 Mustang "Delta Queen", Iwo Jima 1945

Guys, I think this is a bit surprise for my friends here as they were following my Hellcat build in WIP section. I needed break. I just got to the point when I eager to build something without waiting for 3D model... Therefore I pull out [...]

Corvette C3 customized (Revell 1:24)

I got this kit from my son. He wanted the car for his showcase. However, I did not like the original look of the car and challenged myself to wide the body plus change box parts for 3D printed ones. I designed and printed new rims, tyres, [...]

Hawker Sea Fury in Korean War

Too late for second world war, but ready to be leading Royal Navy's fighter in Korea. Hawker Sea Fury was pinnacle of Hawker's piston-engine fighter development. The type served throughout the conflict with distinction in both FAA and [...]

I-4100 "Ushimisako" (I-400 retrofit), lets stop being serious!

I bought this model in Telford this year and I did not know about this anime series much, although I am big fan of japanese animes and mangas. (I will fill this cultural gap soon.) When I inspected the kit, I almost immediately decided to [...]

BAE Lightning T.Mk.4to the hell and back again

The kit is SWORD, 1:48, which was advertised to me as "beautiful kit, the last one in the shelf". OK, I always wanted to have this iconic fighter in my display, who does not want to build "beautiful" kit? I make the [...]

NieR:Automata A2 (3D resin print)

NieR: Automata A2 Scale 1:10 3D sculptor Luis Donaldo Meza My second visit in unknown territory. I still feel like total noob in painting figures. Paints do not work as I want to... But I am learning, it is slow process. I had to [...]

Arado Ar 196A-3, battleship Tirpitz, 1943 (1:32, Revell)

Arado 196A-3 was german the most successful reconnaisance floatplane. It served on battleships and cruisers as well as at coast guard. The kit Material is not great at first look. The plastic is too bright in my opinion and [...]

Achtung, Stuka! Out-of-box build of Ju 87B-2 in winter camouflage (Trumpeter 1:32)

This build is again for my friend who is re-newing the lost collection of his father. Therefore it was done right out of the box with minimum weathering and no changes. I do not like german WW2 aircrafts much and this particularly one is [...]

For the glory of Mankind, 2B from NieR:Automata

You know i am almost pure aircraft kits builder, so this might surprise you a bit. Yes, this is my first and only figure. I am fan of everything in manga or anime style, I like movies, series, mangas. For some time I was thinking of [...]