MiG-23 Flogger-AAirfix 1/72

March 21, 2018 · in Aviation · · 9 · 6.4K

What happens when a customer orders you to build a very very old model, and make it as good as possible? Well, it's time to use all the techniques that you have to comply with the order.

I've built a lot of these old school airfix models, so I know more or less what to expect. When I received the order, I realized that the plastic was a little bit harder than normal (I broke a couple of razers). Anyway, I started building.

The cockpit was simple: floor, seat and control panel. Simple build, but I added the seat belts and a little bit of detail on the sides. Painted in the normal blue/green color of the soviet aircraft, ended with some weathering.

It needs some weight in the nose (actually a bit more than specified in the instructions). After setting the cockpit in place and the weight, it's time to move to the wings.
It is maybe the strangest mechanism of the folding wings I've ever seen: a plastic piece joins both wings together and allow them to somehow fold at the same time. Something similar happens with the tail plane.
After this, time to join the fuselage. It's really hard to put it in place, and even more to adjust it so it fits correctly. Anyway, It needed a lot of sanding and putty.

As normal in these old models, it has positive panels. I usually repanel them, but in this case the customer wasn't going to pay me for doing it, so
I left it as it was.

The paint was really simple: preshading in black + preshading panels in white + three layers of extremely diluted grey. After setting the decals in place (which were fairly good to work with) and protect the model with future, it was weathering time!

Started with panelling with oil, and then carefully weathering every part, I ended with a really good model. The customer loved it

In conclusion, there's little to say considering it to be a really old model, with its own problems, but It's an interesting approach to practise new techniques. I recommend it for beginners who want to learn how to sand and apply putty, or for someone who wants a challenge.

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9 responses

  1. Usually see these in a camo scheme for some reason...I like this one.

  2. Wow, nice USSR fighter. Great work and finish!

  3. Claudio, good kit to learn to putty and sand, I like it! You did a great job on her, old kits deserve to be built.

  4. You got a really great-looking model out of it! I just love working with these old kits - you really can't go wrong, because with what you start with, it can only get better! And as you say, you can experiment with all types of weathering and detailing in order to add some interest.

  5. Great looking Flogger!

  6. Outstanding, Claudio! Despite the age of the kit, it turned out very well under your work.

  7. That's a great job on an old kit Claudio. Really looks nice better yet your customer like it as well.

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