P-40C 33RD PURSUIT SQUADRON – USA, 1941 (Academy 1/72)
Model improved with full scratch built interior, add new wheels from my spare parts box.
Added new machine guns and new pitot from syringe needles.
Painted mostly using Tamiya and Gunze aqueous Hobby Colours acrylics.
Undersurfaces Grey FS 36440 = Tamiya XF-80 overall plus added a few drops of white XF-2 for highlights.
Upper-surfaces US Olive Drab FS 34087 = Gunze H52 overall plus added a few drops of white H1 for highlights.
FCM Decals 72-22 P-40 Galore plus spares for propeller's stencils. I had issues with the upper wing decals when trying to make them to conform to kit's surface, tried Gunze's Mr Marker Fit and it almost dissolved the decal completely. I had to try to fix as best as I could but didn't end perfect as I intended.
Overall the kit is very basic and have some major mistakes. It's aimed for very beginner modellers. Serious modellers should by the Airfix new tool.
PS: After looking the photos I've noticed I've missed the rear windows, it's now been fixed.
Nicely presented, Paulo...good work.
Thanks Craig
Love this plane, like any model of it, especially in 1/72, but it must have its rear windows!
Hi Peter
Yes! I've noticed it after just shot the photos, has been fixed now. Cheers
Paulo, good to see a prewar U.S. P-40. Nicely done!
Thanks mate
Great looking P-40, Paulo. That's a really nice paint scheme - well done!
You did a great job on this basic kit !, Thought that I was the only one to build it.
Great little model, good job!
Looks good Paulo!
Thanks guys!
Robert, long story short, we have an end of the year competition in our modelling club called (Build a Bi***C (aka female dog) Model) the idea is to give your least loved kit a wrap and put it on the pile, in a Kris Kringle style. Than each and everyone pick up one package from the pile. We do it in our December meeting (last of the year) and we had to build and bring to the next meeting which is on February (first meeting of the year) where the other modellers would vote to the best kit on the table. Who wins don't need to pay for the annual subscription that year.
Needless to say I did not finished it on time for the competition. It's fun to see people that usually builds a car to get a ship for example. Some are very creative in the way they display their kits.
Good job on an old and basic kit, and sounds like a fun competition.