1/72 Hobbyboss F9F-2 Panther
Just finished this one today. The markings represent Neil Armstrongs F9F-2. He was shot down in this aircraft on Sept 3, 1951. While on a armed reconnaissance mission south of Wonsan, he was hit by ground fire while making a bombing run at about 350mph. While trying to regain control he subsequently collided with a telegraph pole at a altitude of about 20ft which sliced off about 3ft of his starboard wing. Armstrong then flew the stricken aircraft back over friendly territory and ejected. He planned to eject over water and await rescue by Navy Helicopters, but wind blew him over land and he was rescued by a roomate from flight school driving a jeep. Neil was in my Fraternity (Phi Delta Theta) Purdue '55. I also volunteer aboard the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space museum which was the ship that recovered him after his Apollo 11 Mission to the moon so there are quite a few connections with this build. The kit is the 1/72 Hobbyboss F9F-2. I added a Eduard Zoom set. Quickboost nose and guns, resin nav lights from Aires and Aires wheels as well. Paint is MRP
Hi Geoffrey. There's been a few Panthers here recently but none with the unique presentation skills of this lovely build. Really impressive in 72nd scale, and the background history and accessories make this a stand out project. A fitting tribute to a real hero.
A great build, a great tribute to a great man.
Good looking model and great presentation Geoffrey.
Great story and I love the build. Awesome little fighter.
Yes, Geoff...what they said!
Great Job Geoffrey. Nice presentation, and i always like a Panther that is done well.
He got the assignment as command pilot on Apollo-11 for this mission and for his coolness in ejecting from the LEM trainer. And then of course 100 feet over the moon's surface he took manual control and flew them out of the boulders they would have landed in and set down on the Sea of Tranquility with 20 seconds of fuel remaining - not enough to hold the ship off long enough to initiate the abort sequence. Those two guys were committed to the landing like no other fliers ever.
Beautiful model.
Wonderful work on what I remember as a tricky kit, and a tribute to a great guy.
Great build and history! Even with those straight wings the Panther is such an eloquent looking plane. Hmmmmm...maybe a build in my future, add it to the stack!
Outstanding presentation! It's nice to see a nice, clean aircraft once in a while.
If I understand right, you're a Boilermaker? Go P.U.!
Jeff, I was a Phi Delt at San Jose State University. Same Fraternity, different school.
Very nice, clean build, and great project backstory! What makes modeling a wonderful hobby.
A fine tribute indeed! Your Panther looks AWESOME. wELL DONE! I want to do my 1/48 Trumpeter Grumman Panther, Kittyhawk Banshee and Academy F 86 Sabre models in the markings of Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell and Buzz Aldrin. However, can't seem to find any photos of Lovell's Banshee or Aldrin's F 86. Needless to say your Armstrong Panther is a great motivator to start mine!