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Carlo Sette
5 articles

Phonix D.I Kriegsmarine Puly 1918

April 27, 2018 · in Aviation · · 23 · 2.2K
Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

24 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Beautifully detailed and rendered, Carlo. The dark background certainly adds a little atmosphere. Terrific base and pilot, also.

  2. Getting that level of detail in a 1/48 scale Great War plane is worth the post alone, but the overall result of your Phoenix is just delightful to behold. Well done sir

  3. Great looking model.

  4. Great craftsmanship!
    One detail though.
    When talking about the German Navy of WW1 the names "Kaiserliche Flotte", "Kaiserliche Marine" or "Hochseeflotte" are usually used. The name "Kriegsmarine" is usually used when referring to the German Navy of WW2.

    • Hi Ulf thanks for you suggestions. I've take the name from productor's box. I most cases they use "Kriegsmarine".

      3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

      • OK, now I see. It's the K.u.K, that is the Imperial Austrian Navy. K.u.K. means "Kaiserliche und Königliche" that is Imperial and Royal, referring to the Emperor of Austria also being king of Hungary.

        Anyway, it's less important. The model looks great.

  5. Exquisite workmanship, sir...welcome aboard.

  6. Pure craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Amazing! Love it - great detail and finish work. And beautiful photography also.

  8. This model Carlo is a fine piece of art, a masterpiece.

  9. Thank you guys !

  10. Great work! Everything is done very carefully and competently.

  11. Beautiful work!

  12. Beautiful work, love the detailing.

  13. Carlo, lovely work! The wire wheels alone would have put me in a blue funk. Museum work!

  14. Thank you guys ?

  15. Great model & dio!

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