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Rob Anderson
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April 3, 2018 · in Armor · · 16 · 2.1K

First, Milineals...or however you spell it, God bless ya and your love of beer in cans...No, just no. One of my favorites, I saw it in cans for much less than in a big bottle. I'll try it, the kids at work say "No Rob it's not like the cans you remember". Yes yes it is, good beer should be in glass bottles. Ok so the moves along, wow overly complex is an understatement, read, re-read, study and read the instructions again. I had major trouble with a PE box that went around the gun. Oh, by the way ONCE ASSEMBLED YOU WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER SEE IT! So I feel better that I mangled it! Really this is a great kit, but wow, I think the instructions while beautiful leave something to be desired. Some things are vague and others don't seem to follow a logical (to me anyway) sequence. BUT, I am having fun and so far so good!

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16 responses

  1. Salute! Fine looking drink, Rob. I agree about the glass, though.

    I know what you mean about the complexity of the build ... only to be hidden forever, once glued into the finished turret. SUCH a shame. I think these companies that produce these well detailed interiors should figure a way to make panels that can open, then snap back shut (or something similar) to view the delicious center - to use a chocolate candy reference. It would be much easier (I think) in a wheeled or armoured vehicle than many aircraft, but I imagine the extra engineering and parts costs would drive up the manufacture and ultimately, the purchase price. Many imported kits are already almost ridiculously priced as it is!

    That said, great start, Rob! Enjoy your beer! Enjoy your build! Enjoy - enjoy - enjoy!

  2. Yeah, the typical Panther nose! Good luck and enjoy this build Rob, looks splendid already!

  3. Thanks guys! What really killed me was slaving over that darned PE box, then I buggered it up, only to find out had I been 100% spot on with it it would have been completely hidden from view...And Jeff the turret and hull are molded clear, so if one wanted you could see the interior, but me I love the camouflage of late German armor so I will paint it and seal it...Much like my Monogram B-17, and B-29...and B-26...and...

  4. Yes true, sometimes I think that the only benefit of some kit manufacturers offering full interior could become reality if "downsizing" really became possible...

  5. My take on these projects Rob. One, your buying an experience that is supposed to entertain. Since your the only one person building it...its a personal experience. Two, your documenting the build with photos and posting them on the internet, which is being run by "Big Brother" very Orwellian. Which means it will be in the "Cloud" and more people will have accesses to these photos. More people will see your build ...than the people who come over to your home and drink beer in purple cans. Usually, you see purple after having consumed not before. Three, you could do what the Germans(I've seen photos) did and cut out several panels like they do in the museums to show the interior. Four, this kit has clear pieces that Ryefield has produced with a clear plastic turret and deck. Showing all of the goodies. Five, I'll bet you will know more about Panther tanks from having constructed the model. Six,you don't have to glue the gun to the turret. I think its a win win . Its having the patience to build all of the parts or the will to over come. The end result is that your have a little fun and entertainment and walk away with a little better understanding of whats hidden in a model tank...ergo what is inside of the real thing too.

    Back in the day real men drank from steel cans that where labeled "Bud" now you get purple cans or cans with dinosaurs, clowns, butchers,skulls with hats and cartoons. My how things have changed.

    Its all good...the modeling that is.

    • Stephen, that's a lot of very good, well argued, and valid points you make there. I was thinking of Tom's comment about the craziness of making so many details that will never be seen and l found myself very much agreeing, then read your post and changed my mind. Well done, sir.

  6. What you describe in those "instructions" sound all too familiar. When I did Dragon's series of 1/6th scale machine guns, I encountered much the same thing. No sequence of assembly procedure(s), vague diagrams showing only a 'schematic'-type breakdown of parts - didn't really tell you what went where (or when) - lots of test fitting, trial & error and educated guesswork. They turned out ok, will your build, I'm quite sure. and PE don't play well together either. 🙁

  7. You need two kits on the go - one for finishes and one for all the AMS stuff otherwise unseen. Keep going!

  8. Looking good, having fun, nothing wrong with that combination!

  9. I think the instructions just take some getting used to, since the kit is so complex, the callouts need to be payed very close attention to and dry fitting as you go. Some locations are vague though. It is a fun build even if frustrating at times and even if I paint over the clear I will know what's what inside, like the pencils on the navigators table on a B-17 I built once!

  10. Interesting build, Rob, glad you're enjoying it. But, good beer is hand pumped from a barrel in an English pub, cans and bottles are for refrigerated fizzy drinks.

    • cans and bottles are for refrigerated fizzy drinks.
      Too true George

    • Yes I have to agree with that, though some of the small batch beers here in the Northwest are pretty decent. This one is a Belgian Tripple that is nice...from a bottle. Now sadly, I haven't been to England, but I have visited many Brit pups in Hong Kong (before the change back to China) and I must say that yes those are better! Australia has some damn fine pubs, I spent many days of Liberty off the ship at the Lord Nelson in Sydney, they have a beer there called Three Sheets, that well, it will cure what ails you, and if you want something you can stand a spoon up in the "Old Admiral" is also great!

  11. I love you guys who model with the attitude "I know it's there, doesn't matter if you can't see it." My philosophy is, "If you can't see it, I didn't do it." 🙂

    • LOL, yeah, my last B-17 I did not get so extreme with it, and I resisted building the passenger seats in my C-2 since I was going to close the ramp and doors so you could see my Dets Trident emblem. So I guess I am getting better? As for the Panther, the fun of building the extra parts is appealing and some will be seen when lifting the turret off. I haven't looked to see if there are other top panels such as engine hatches that can be posed open or removed yet. I know the Meng Panthers have that.

  12. Rob, it's looking good. I agree with building the hidden stuff for experience and the sheer joy (?) of it. I can see putting a pencil on the navigator's desk on the B-17, but would probably stop short of printing the "2B" near the eraser. 🙂

    And I haven't had an adult beverage in a long, long time, but I do remember drinking San Miguel's in Olongapo and having to pop them with my thumb to make sure they still had some fizz. Otherwise the visit to the head was... memorable.

    Keep up the good work, it's gonna be another nice one from you.

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