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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

Tulsa Modeler’s Forum Contest and Show

April 19, 2018 · in Show Reports · · 8 · 1.7K

We had our annual contest last weekend, and it was a great success. 47 modelers from OK, TX, AR, MO, and TN entered 213 models. Not a huge show by international standards, but for "flyover country" in the USA, very nice!

I included a few teaser pics, but rather than duplicate effort, if you'd like to see more, visit our site here:

We are still finishing getting all the images posted - still missing ships, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Figures and a few others, but there's already some nice stuff to see. Incidentally, I took home a few plaques - that's always fun!

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Great post, I'm so sad I missed it. I look forward to see more Greg!

  2. Incidentally, eh? Don´t think so. Way to go, Greg! Great to see another show from a country far far away. I find the rate of models and contestants interesting, 1:4. It´s about the same at 08 Open in Stockholm. Would this be universal, what do the rest of you say?

  3. Always nice to take home a few plaques, Greg (I recognize a few of those display stands).

  4. Love the north Korean MiG-15!

  5. Congratulations on a great looking show, Greg.

  6. Congratulations, Greg! Your compadres and yourself did well.

  7. A great show, and congrats!

  8. A few plaques? If recall correctly you shutdown a whole category. Not that you didn't deserve it, your F-111 and F-5 were two of my favorite builds there. Still trying to wrap my head around the brush painting...

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