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Tomáš Pelej
22 articles

F-14A Tomcat, VF-114 “Vark of Arabia”, Tamiya 1/48

May 8, 2018 · in Aviation · · 15 · 3.4K

Hi, my other cat in the collection. This is a machine from the Desert Storm operation this time. I used the decals from Fightertown, wheels and RBF from Eduard, Chairs and ChinPOD from Aires (Quickboost)

I hope you will like it

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Looking very nice. Has the Phoenix missile ever been used in combat?

  2. Absolutely beautiful job, my friend...stunning work!

  3. Very nice Turkey, Tomaš!

  4. Of the hook. Simply remarkable modeling at a whole different level.

  5. Tomaš,

    Definitely, this model is a crowd pleaser. When Tamiya announced that it was going to make a new molded 1/48 scale F-14 everyone was ho hum. Until, the plastic came out and the kits have become very popular for those who can afford. Your build is one good reason why folks are so up beat about this kit. Its sharp,crisp and tight with just the right amount of dirt and grime. This model is a strong candidate for model of the month. Hard to believe that the Tomcat was around at the end of Vietnam and is no longer with us. The plane had longer legs than some of the new 5th generation fighters...

    Two thumbs up. Looking forward to seeing your next build.

  6. Outstanding job. Love the paint especially. I'm also looking forward to your next build!

  7. For my money this is about as close to technical perfection as it's possible to get in modeling. As Stephen says, it's a very, very clean build and not overdone in terms of weathering or (in my view a worse problem) overdone panel shading. It's very hard to get color modulation and interest in a one color scheme without looking fake and 'cartoony' (as I think some Spanish School acolytes achieve) but you have nailed this down.
    Stunning in my opinion. Great photos, too.

  8. Great build and an excellent paint and dealing job on top of that. Wonderful subtle nuances in the colors, that you don't notice until you look deliberately for them. Just as it should be, I think.

  9. Outstanding, Tomas! Beautifully built, painted, & weathered.

  10. beautiful work - your tomcat came out awesome!

  11. I ditto the remarks above about the use of shading, washes, weathering etc. Just looks brilliant! Tomcats seem to be a favorite (like Spitfires or 109's), but this one is really worth spending time looking at.

  12. thanks to all, I'm glad to like the model. F-14 is a wonderful plane and the Tamiya kit is absolutely perfect. In a while the F-14D will come and another opportunity to expand the Tomcat collection

  13. That is a flawless beauty. Its a winner in every respect. Looks awesome including all the armament. Finish and weathering is just right!

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