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Ken Schraeder’s 1990 Chevy Lumina

June 23, 2018 · in Automotive · · 13 · 2.1K

Well look here, another build from that British bloke who lives in New Zealand ! - yep, been at it again, folks, this time with the version of the Lumina - to my eye they captured the lines of the car better than Monogram did with their version, the downside is... it's a harder build, less detailed and worse, it's 1:25 !

Paint is, for the most part usual Tamiya acrylics, but the green was mixed by Mk.I eyeball out of Humbrol enamels. Because I forgot to cover the shell whilst the Johnsons Klear / Future was going-off there's a h*ll of a lot of dust trapped which is a real shame as the finish was like glass until I made that rookie-mistake. And so this is probably the only time it will be seen in public... Good job I don't take it too seriously, eh ?. Used some old (20+ years) Fred Cady decals which are superbly thin, adhere well but have quite a rough 'pebbly' finish.

Please feel free to make any comments, ask any questions or hurl any abuse as usual.



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9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. The NASCAR i****s would probably tell you to "go home!" - Britain? New Zealand!? You probably wouldn't like the fans anywhere as much as you like the cars. I know I went to a NASCAR event once and it's worse than going to an American air show (which is bad enough and why I no longer go to Planes of Fame).

    Beautiful work.

    • Now THAT admission is something I thought I'd never hear - especially from one as yourself. No longer attend "Planes of Fame" events...?! I thought that's where many of your builds ended up (or am I thinkin' of someplace else). And WHY do you not go any more, Tom? Don't you reside near there?

      • Back in the day when you went to a airshow it was a airshow. Now they have become spectacles, for people watching, food and crowds. Lines of people waiting... If your trying to photograph aircraft ...the best time is to get up really early before, the crowds come. Then you miss out on some of the flying. You have to appreciate and like humanity and rub elbows, smell the smells and love blood,sweat and tears. Yeah, I am not into carnivals either.

  2. Great job on this, Ian...I once had a display case FILLED with such examples. I gave up long ago trying to keep up with the plethora of changes in the genre (paint schemes, sponsors, numbers, drivers, etc., etc.). It's now all about the commercialism and not "run what ya brung" racin'. I loved this era you portray here.

  3. You really captured the look of this 90's Stock Car very well. Fabulous job and great application of all those decals. Car really looks nice in these pictures, no sign of a fault.

  4. My bad, Ian

    I like the car model...had a Chevy Lumina for ten years. It didn't have a V-8. However, we'd go down to "Race-way" and watch 36 cars on a quarter mile track ...with two Chevy Suburbans used to untangle the mess. Lots of noise and all eyes were on the cars. Back then Monte Carlo's (1970s) where the cars to race. Brings back some memories.

    Two thumbs up

  5. I think that build looks great! Nice actual photos too.

  6. Thanks everyone. Always appreciate the comments.

  7. Great work, Ian, and who'd have thought a NASCAR would spark off a air show debate? Looks fantastic, especially seeing her next to the real thing.

  8. Again really appreciate ALL the comments no matter where they head-off to !

    Next car build is already on the bench, definitely not exotic, or even a race car, but is kind-of iconic...

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  9. I might have to break away and do a car model.

  10. Looks good to me Ian !

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