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Christian Ristits
28 articles

North American X-15 A2 in 1:48, Special Hobby

June 1, 2018 · in Aviation · · 12 · 5.1K

Dear Modeling Friends,

enclosed a few pics from my recently finished project, the Rocket Plane No. 66671 from .

Building this (resin) kit was a nightmare, but after the paint-job and applied Decals I was convinced that this will become a nice looking model...Hope you like it too!

Cheers, Christian

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Looks like you beat it into submission - nice work!

  2. Great build and photographs, Christian. Have a look at this video. It quite literally had me open mouthed watching it. ยท on youtube
  3. Profile Photo
    said on June 1, 2018

    Nice one Christian.

  4. With that batman canopy and those huge tanks, that thing looks menacing! Nicely done.

  5. just beautiful

  6. I IS a nice looking model. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. You conquered a very challenging build of the ultimate X-plane. North American was at the cutting edge of aircraft design with the F 108 Rapier that never reached production and the Vigilante, X 15 and the XB-70 Valkyrie. Your X-15 looks AWESOME. Well done and thanks for sharing this one!

  8. Christian, a nice look build, getting a good look out the fuel tanks really sets this off nicely. I like it !

  9. Many thanks my friends for your splendid comments! I agree - this was an incredible aircraft which power and speed we are not able to imagine...

  10. awesome build, luv the x-15. Great job with the black color finish. Broke it up nicely!

  11. Really cool subject and a great build to match!

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